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Brother Hilarion Jerome Brezik, C.S.C. (1910-1987)

Sorin Oak

watercolor on paper

date unknown

Brother Hilarion's painting depicts one of the most iconic images on campus: the Sorin Oak. Rumor has it that Edward Sorin, the founder of Notre Dame and St. Edward's University, stood under the tree and stated he would start St. Edward’s Academy. The Sorin Oak forms part of the rooting of the St. Edward’s ring, where students touch the tree with the ring to leave their roots with the tree.

Br. Hilarion was a passionate educator, a prolific artist and the founder of the Art program at St. Edward’s University. Thanks to his hosting of annual art shows, St. Edward’s became the first art gallery in Austin to have a regular schedule of activities. The original Signs of the Zodiac paintings, in addition to several other of his works, are held in the Archives and Special Collections of the Munday Library at St. Edward’s University.

“Signs of the Zodiac,” Archives and Special Collections, Munday Library, accessed January 14, 2022,