7.4 From Desert to Garden 

From Desert to Garden

4.1 Why don’t we just have one Gospel

4.2 What is the bif story of covenant

4.3 What is the importance of Jesus in the wilderness?

4.4 Why do we receive ashes at the start of Lent

4.5What do Catholics do during Lent?

4.6 mid topic assessment

4.7 How do Catholics pray?

4.8 Why is the Lord’s prayer so important

4.9 What happened in the last week of Jesus’life

4.10  Why was the LAst supper so important 

4.11 What is the importance of the sacrament of reconciliation

4.12 Artistic  Expression option: What are the stations of the cross

4.13  Lived Religion Option: is change possible?

4.14  Assessment


Often people describe events as 'meant to be'. This suggests that whether they are happy or sad, things had to happen that way.

Catholics believe that the things that happened to Jesus on Earth, including his suffering and death were 'meant to be' because they were all part of God's plan to save humans from sin and to restore the relationship between God and humans.

This chapter explores how Jesus fulfilled the promises of the OT through his actions in the NT. Jesus's time in the desert mirrors the time the Israelites spent in the wilderness, and the events in the last week of Jesus' life reflect the sayings of the Old testament prophets. From these connections, Catholics can understand that these were not chance events_ they were part of God's plan. We will consider how Catholics remember these times in Jesus 'life in their own lives and honour the sacrifice he made through prayer, Mass and the Eucharist.

The made of temptation, suffering, death and resurrection are at the heart of the Bible, but also at the heart of Human life. Jesus' experiences can help Catholic to see that sadness and difficulty is part of a much bigger journey with God.

Sin being part of this problem, the sacrament of Reconciliation also allows Catholics the chance for their  sins to be forgiven

Keywords: Desert to Garden
Chap. 5 Assessment prep_ Homework.docx