Creation & Covenant

Topic 1: Creation and Covenant Content

  1. How do we know about God?

  2. How should we read the Bible?

  3. What does Genesis 1 teaches about creation?

  4. What doers Genesis 2 teaches about creation

  5. What do Catholics believe about scientific theories about creation?

  6. What makes humans different to the rest of creation?

  7. What spoiled God's creation

  8. How do Catholics interpret Genesis 3

  9. What is our responsibility to others?

  10. What is our responsibility to the world

  11. What is the role of prayer?

  12. Ethical option: what can we do to protect creation?

  13. Lived religion option: what can we learn from sister Dorothy Stang?

  14. Artistic Expression Option: can Art help Catholics to Understand creation?

  15. Assessment 1


The Catholic Church uses both the biblical account and the scientific theory of creation. The Church teaches that the Genesis account is to be interpreted alongside science. Science may be able to give the answer and explanation of how the world and universe was created. Historically, the Catholic Church has been a patron of sciences as Catholics believe that God created humans to have a relationship with them. Catholics believe God love them and call them to an understanding of their role in his creation. This understanding will lead those made in his own image to carry on look after and even make the whole planet a better place "on Earth as it is in Heaven".

In this topic we will reflect on the Words in Ephesian 2:10: " We are his workmanship"

Branch 1: Creation and covenant _keywords
Checklist creation and covenant