From Galilee to Jerusalem

Topic 3: From Galilee to Jerusalem Content

  1. What is the gospel of Jubilee?

  2. Why did Jesus come into conflict with religious authorities?

  3. How did Jesus treat sinners?

  4. What did it mean to be ritually clean?

  5. How did Jesus reach out to gentiles?

  6. What was the role of women in society at the time of Jesus?

  7. How did Jesus include those who society had neglected?

  8. Why were the sick important to Jesus?

  9. What can Catholic learn from Jesus' ministry I?

  10. What can Catholic learn from Jesus' ministry II?

  11. What does the ministry of Jesus show that Catholics are called to do?

  12. What are the 7 sacraments of the Catholic Church?

  13. Why is the sacrament of the sick important?

  14. Ethical option: How can Catholics be Christ like to those on the margins of society?

  15. Lived religion option: What can Catholics learn from Father Damien of Molokai?

  16. Artistic Expression Option: How does the 'Jesus' table' by father Sieger Koder depict inclusion??

  17. Assessment 2


As He journeyed form Galilee to Jerusalem to share God's loving message of salvation, Jesus met many people. Some came to hear his message, others listened with suspicious hearts, but many others were in desperate need. It is through his encounters with those who lived on the very edges of society that Catholics can truly understand Jesus' lesson of mercy and Love for all.

This topic explores a number of teachings from Jesus which would have been considered astonishing for those living in his society at that time. as well as his teachings, Jesus physically leads by example. Catholics believe the prophetic ministry of Jesus was to teach society where they had gone wrong, and to offer an alternative approach: the kingdom of God is here Now and we are called to pray in accordance with the Father's will accomplishing: " Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven" Matthew 6:10 and 'act justly' as expressed in CCC117

Branch 3: From Galilee to Jerusalem _keywords
Checklist From Galilee to Jerusalem