Watershed Associations

The following are some suggested basic guidelines gathered from around Colorado and the United States for Watershed Associations (WA) and their member Conservation Districts (CD). These guidelines are provided to improve the capacity and functioning of these associations as well as increase the continuity of how WAs operate statewide. Watershed Associations and the bylaws that guide their operations are determined by the member Conservation Districts , but this information is intended to help WAs maintain consistency across Colorado.

Guidelines-Watershed Associations and Conservation Districts PDF file.

Purposes of Watershed Associations

WAs serve several purposes for CDs and the conservation partners in each area. Some of the major purposes include:

Watershed Association Bylaws

As with Conservation Districts , WA bylaws provide the foundation for the operation of the organization. Important considerations to include or to keep in mind when developing or periodically reviewing this guiding document in your area:

Notification of Meetings

It is recommended that initial meeting notices be sent to member Conservation Districts, conservation partners, and other invited participants six to eight weeks prior to the scheduled event. This gives the Conservation District boards time to discuss the upcoming meeting and get the pertinent information on their calendars at regularly scheduled board meetings.

It is helpful if the CSCB Regional Conservation Specialist is included in the WA Executive Committee’s planning for regular WA meetings. The specialist can help WAs avoid conflicts with previously scheduled WA meetings in other areas of the state as well as other major events to help avoid conflicts with conservation partner representatives, including other state organizations, area NRCS staff, Colorado Association of Conservation Districts representatives, and CSCB staff.  

It is recommended that the Watershed Association officers, in communication with the hosting Conservation Districts, send out meeting invitations so there is consistency in communication from meeting to meeting (see the recommendations below). The logistics of each meeting should be finalized with input from the hosting Conservation Districts and the designated contact from each WA.

Recommended Invitees to Each WA Meeting

Natural Resource Conservation Service

Colorado Association of Conservation Districts

 Colorado State Conservation Board

 Other partners to consider inviting (depending on the WA and existing/potential partnerships)

Considerations for Districts Hosting Upcoming WA Meetings

Host Conservation Districts should work with the WA officers and the CSCB Regional Conservation Specialist to identify potential dates that avoid event conflicts and offer the best chance for maximum member district and conservation partner participation. After the host Conservation Districts chooses the best available date, Conservation Districts staff and board supervisors should work with the WA officers to assure the meeting notice/reservation is timely (6-8 weeks prior to the event) and includes the following details:

 The WA officer team will send a tentative agenda prior to the meeting to allow for districts to be informed of the business to be conducted.

Communication with CSCB

Annually please consider sharing the following information with CSCB, primarily for archival purposes:

 These guidelines are provided to assist Colorado conservation districts in maintaining their Watershed Associations, allowing them to benefit from the increased capacity to do conservation work due to the communication and insight provided by these meetings.

If you have questions or need assistance with your Watershed Association, please call or email your CSCB Regional Conservation Specialist.