Year 3

Hello and welcome to our Year 3 page! 😊

Here you can find the information you need to know about learning in Year 3.

Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2, which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun themes. We will become historians, geographers, scientists and artists as we discover the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age: understand the impact of the Roman Invasion and Settlement in Britain and finally determine where we live on planet Earth.

You will also be able to view some of our exciting activities throughout the year!

Class Teacher - Mrs Neary

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Kay

Our P.E. days are

Tuesday and Friday.

Please ensure your child comes to school in their P.E. Kit on these days.

All PE Kits should be clearly labelled with your child's name and year group.


This year our enquiries will be:

Autumn 1 - What were the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?

Autumn 2 - Why do we need a nutritious balanced diet?

Spring 1 - What was the impact of the Roman invasion and settlement on Britain?

Spring 2 - How are shadows formed?

Summer 1 - I'm a Year 3 Pupil, can you get me out of here?

Summer 2 - Where on Earth are we?


Every half term, project homework will be sent home. This is due in the penultimate week of the half term.


We use Accelerated Reading in KS2. All the children will take a Star Test each half term. This will determine their individual reading level. The children will then choose a reading book to take home. Please try to read and discuss the books with your child each night.

Your child should bring their reading pack to school each day.


Each Friday your child's spellings will be tested and a new list will be taught.

A copy of the new spellings will be in your child's Reading Record. Please practice these with your child.

Your child also has access to Spelling Shed. Their login details are on the back of their reading record.


Safe4Summer is a yearly campaign which aims to keep young people in Greater Manchester safe over the summer months.

We want to know how much you’ve learnt about keeping safe this summer. For a chance to win an iPad, you will need to answer a few questions about the Safe4Summer campaign and have a go at our quiz. Before you start, have a look at the Safe4Summer website.

The prize draw is open to everyone who lives in Greater Manchester aged 5-16. If you are 12 or under, you will need to ask a parent or guardian to fill out the answers for you

Click the link to find out more