Our School

Where every child matters and is prepared for a future of possibilities.

Our six values are embedded throughout Springside life.

Respect - We build and develop mutual respect, tolerance and appreciation of others. We learn how to respect ourselves, our possessions, our community and also the environment and world around us.

Responsibility - We learn about taking responsibility for our actions and we carry out our tasks with pride. We take responsibility for our own learning and we become independent learners. We use critical thinking skills in order to make informed choices.

Relationships - We learn about the similarities and differences between ourselves in order that we can form strong relationships with each other inside school, in our community and in our home lives. We learn to work co-operatively, as part of a team and we learn how to deal with conflicts effectively and independently when they arise.

Resilience - We know that learning is not always smooth and we learn to be resilient when things get a little more difficult. We learn to manage our feelings effectively in order to continue learning and progressing.

Resourcefulness - We learn to be adaptable and we find solutions to challenges which face us. We seek support from others when needed in order to help us become independent and self-sustaining learners.

Reflection and Aspiration - We learn to reflect on our learning and to appreciate what we have achieved. We are encouraged to have high aspirations for our future in whatever we choose to be.