Ms. Maria Cristina M. Reynera

Team Facilitator

The International Schools Cyberfair is one of the major competitions we participate every year. This event helps us gain a deeper understanding of our community. This year's project focuses on children because we want to showcase how our city government is working for their benefit, highlighting efforts and initiatives supporting the younger generation and contributing to their well-being and development.

Despite the challenges we faced during the process, this competition serves as a powerful reminder, particularly with this year's theme "collaborate and unite." It is significant to work together and join forces to overcome obstacles. These challenges strengthened our skills and emphasized the importance of solidarity in achieving our objectives.

Ms. Eunice Jane H. Resurreccion


It is truly an honor to become a part once more of this prestigious competition. I am thrilled with all the experiences of our students as they pave their way through the end of the competition. I hope we continue to be part of the International Cyberfair and make a difference as we highlight our beloved Muntinlupa City.

Augustine Raphael B. Abanador

Grade 9 - Integrity | Chief Editor

With a bumpy debut to the SMC Technical Research Team last academic year, it was true to my word that I will pour all my heart and soul into the projects that will be given to me. Starting strong in the graphics, and now, as a chief editor. The SMC Technical Research Team and its long-run podium finishes placed pressure on me to bring home another title. From then until now, I have now come to my senses and realized that Cyberfair is not just about bringing home a title, but, its the impact we give to our community.

Cyberfair has taught me to go beyond my comfort zone. It not only showed me new perspectives of the community around me, but also, let me realize the different problems and issues that surround this wondrous sector. At the heart of websites, comes the impact of our team to the community. With these and the Cyberfair Competition, I learned that perspectives are not just hit inside a box but also a whole world that is just waiting for the canvas to be filled.


Krishna Nicole N. Mana

Grade 9 - Compassion | English Writer

Cyberfair is not my first international competition but it is the first one I’ve joined that focuses on digital media and website development. Throughout working on our webpage, I had to learn to manage my time and my tasks. In a project with only five other team members and a fast-approaching deadline, I had to learn to cooperate and do my part on time in order to not cause delay. 

Since my part was mainly being the writer, I was able to practice that skill and develop ways to communicate our data and information we want to convey clearly on our website. I learned to become a collaborative member of my team and that projects such as Cyberfair require a lot of discipline and creativity. This experience has helped me grow and those learnings will contribute to any future endeavors I may take upon!

Yohan Nikolo C. Morillo

Grade 12 - Excellence | Filipino Writer

The CyberFair is a project collaboration between South Mansfield College (SMC) and the Muntinlupa City Council for the Protection of Children (MCCPC) that educates children and citizens with the use of Google Sites as the making of our webpage. In that webpage contains the resources from our Google Drive folders which include documents, materials, and content for the webpage itself. Our goal is to provide support and education from our school’s curriculum to help educate our fellow people.

Along with the values influenced by the school’s mission and vision, the project upholds it’s values and aims to pursue a better future to all people. With the help of the MCCPC and our fellow group members, we hope pursue a community that is wishes to educate and spread love to make the world a better place. 


Aneka Danice S. Revecho

Grade 11 - Responsibility | Graphics 

Starting something fresh, whether it’s a project, a challenge, or a journey, always brings its blend of excitement and apprehension. However, it's in this combination of emotions that growth flourishes, and connections are strengthened. Cyberfair is a new experience to me but without my team’s help to settle and go with goals that are to achieve and withstand such experiences to attain certain outlooks on the future.

As a newcomer, it gives me the ability to create more bonds, explore various extracurricular works and the creative minds of each member and as we unite and create a project that goes with all of our skills combined. My individual perspective of being a part of all this has given me an idea of digital media, allows me to be creative, teaches me how to grow in oneself, to obtain software skills, and gives me an idea of my future and my career choice.

Anne R. van Tuin

Grade 8 - Commitment | External Affairs

Being in this kind of project has shaped me into becoming a more organized and goal oriented person. I learned the basics on documenting and the use of online platforms like Google Sites. I also reflected on how each individual in our team had contributed so much in the making of this project. I don’t see this much as a competition, rather as an opportunity to see how a team builds themselves to excellence using each of their own great skills. It makes me fulfilled knowing that my community has played a part in the making. And it makes me even more fulfilled to be doing this project for them. 

Even if we had only a few days to prepare and create this website, I believed we proved how even just a small team can make big success. This certainly was a fun yet fulfilling journey for me to grow and slowly improve myself in creating outputs and working as a fellow member of the team.


South Mansfield College

Technical Research Team