The preparations, creation,  and development of our project started mid-November and was ongoing for five months. Throughout those five months, a total of eleven tasks were assigned, scheduled, and finished. Right after the assignment of roles, the team focused on selecting a topic for our chosen category and beginning with the research. Researching and gathering information was simultaneous with the development of our webpage for efficiency. 

Ms. Maria Cristina M. Reynera

Team Facilitator

Brainstorming and ideation sessions to come up with a theme or concept for the website.

Defining the target audience and user personas.

Creating a project plan outlining tasks, milestones, and deadlines.

Ms. Eunice Jane H. Resurreccion


Reviews all written content on the website.

Ensures consistency in language, style, and formatting throughout the website. 

Helps to improve the clarity and readability of the content by identifying and rectifying confusing or ambiguous language.

Augustine Raphael B. Abanador

Grade 9 - Integrity | Chief Editor

Designing the user interface (UI) 

Creating visual assets such as logos, icons, and graphics.

Choosing color schemes, typography, and imagery to convey the intended theme and City's color brand.

Krishna Nicole N. Mana

Grade 9 - Compassion | English Writer

Writing compelling and informative copy for the website's pages.

Compiling a list of frequently asked questions 

Translation of Website Content from English to Filipino

Yohan Nikolo C. Morillo

Grade 12 - Excellence | Filipino Writer

Translate all written content on the website from English to Filipino. 

Carefully proofread and edit the translated text to ensure accuracy, coherence, and consistency. 

Aneka Danice S. Revecho

Grade 11 - Responsibility | Graphics 

Create visual assets such as logos, icons, illustrations, and infographics to enhance the visual appeal and storytelling of the website. 

Ensure that the website design is responsive and adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. 

Anne R. van Tuin

Grade 8 - Commitment | External Affairs

Responsible for reaching out to individuals or organizations to request interviews, gather information, or obtain necessary documents relevant to the website's content. 

Identify opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, or cross-promotion with external organizations or individuals that could benefit the website project. 


South Mansfield College

Technical Research Team