Our activities and research for the International Schools CyberFair project support content standards, required coursework and curriculum requirements.

Which content standards did your CyberFair project address?

The content standards addressed by the CyberFair project are the abilities of our members and organizers to achieve our goal of spreading our knowledge of what we know to protect citizens and children alike. We use our knowledge to promote education and goodwill, along with the teaching of our values influenced by our school’s mission and vision.

How did this project fit into your required school, district, or state curriculum guidelines?

Our project aligns with our school’s mission and vision, along with the focus of developing learners with the A.V.I.D (Academic Excellence, Values Excellence, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Drive and Discipline). These values are interpreted as our code of conduct and has influenced our project to serve as extension of our principles.

What new skills did you learn?

Throughout this project we learned effective negotiations, webpage building, presentation making, and community work. It was tedious but it was worth the effort of providing support for the citizens and children. With our skills, we want to cultivate our knowledge in order to further improve future projects similar to this project.

How do you better understand specific ideas?

Our resources help give us reference for making concepts and linking similar ideas. Along with our resources, we also attend events and meetings to further enhance our understanding of specific concepts and ideas. The use of presentations and research helps us educate ourselves. With our knowledge, we can use it to help disseminate important information to others in a way that is easy to understand.

How does your project fit into the requirements for your school or class?

In our school, we require students to uphold good values and maintain hearts of service throughout their student life. For our project, we uphold the same values in order to attain our goals and provide for the betterment of our community. With the help of our fellow students and council members, we can achieve further more to provide service and protection to our beloved community.

Information Tools and Technologies we used to Complete our Cyberfair Project

How did these tools help you and where did you locate each tool?

These tools have helped us make our webpages, documents, materials, and can be found in the internet. These resources are organized inside our Google Drive folders for ease of access. Additional information can be found in the webpage, along with our contact information.

What were your most valuable tools and are there any tools donated by businesses or schools?

All the tools that we used are from our resources without any donations. The project. Our resources were collected by our passionate members and used digital technologies such as our devices to provide a platform with the use of online applications. These online applications, such as the Google Sites, and Canva are free and are easily accessible.

Which technologies were the most helpful? How?

The applications that made this project possible are through the following: Google Drive, Google Docs, and Google Sites. These applications helped in the making of our website, organization of resources, and the documentation of the project. The Google Drive folders contain the materials and documentation of our meetings and progress, Google Docs is where we have shared collaborative documents, and lastly, Google Sites is the platform that allows us to create a web page that displays all our content easily. 

The Team: Ambassador and Spokesperson

In what ways did you act as "ambassadors" and spokespersons for your CyberFair project both on-line and in person. 

In order for our Cyberfair team to accurately advocate and present information for the Muntinlupa City Council for the Protection of Children (MCCPC), we conducted many meetings and interviews with the officers of MCCPC. Through these interviews and meetings, we were able to gain more insight on what we are advocating for, as well as physical documents we could use for our web page. Aside from in-person situations, our team also communicated with MCCPC officers online through text messages and sharing of online documents. Through this method, it became more efficient and easier to communicate with others because we did not need to constantly meet in person which gave way to our respective schedules. 

Our project falls under the third category of the International Schools Cyberfair which is Local Businesses and Organizations. Because of that, our Cyberfair team made sure to visit the MCCPC office and speak directly about the organization’s background, advocacy, and projects to display in our webpage. Other than the MCCPC office, we were also able to visit each barangay in our city in order to speak to the child representatives of the council. Because of this, we were able to act not only as ambassadors of MCCPC through the creation and development of our website, but also act as the spokesperson for the International Schools Cyberfair through presenting our website to MCCPC officers and informing them of its purpose.

Making a Difference

Will your project make a difference?

Our project will make a difference because it focuses on Muntinlupa projects catered towards children which people can view and learn about. Through awareness of the vision, mission, and programs of the council, we will be able to use our website to advocate for the main four rights of children and encourage people to support and volunteer for the cause we’re featuring. This allows citizens to become more educated and to be more included in the end goal to protect not only Muntinlupeño children, but children all around the Philippines.

Have people in your community learned new things through your Web pages?

Our web page contains information regarding the background, vision, mission, and programs conducted by the Muntinlupa City Council for the Protection of Children (MCCPC) which most citizens aren’t familiar with. A citizen can learn a lot about what MCCPC advocates for and how the council can make a difference in our community.

Have other people around the world learned new things about your community?

The Philippines has local councils for the protection of children which most other countries may not be familiar with. Through this web page, people all around the world will be able to learn about the local efforts of our community towards the protection of children and  proof of its importance through the different accomplishments and recognitions earned by the council.

Have you established some new working relationships with people in your community? Who besides you and your students has looked at your Web pages?

During the development of our website, we were able to meet and collaborate with the chairpersons of the Muntinlupa City Council for the Protection of Children (MCCPC) and child representatives of each barangay. This allowed us to gather accurate information for our web page and develop partnerships with people in our community. Members of MCCPC were able to look at our website for fact-checking and final approvals, and through this they were able to be acknowledged for their efforts in making our city a safe place for children and for their successful programs and projects. 

How did your project involve other members of your community as helpers and volunteers?

The creation of our web page wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the chairpersons of the Muntinlupa City Council for the Protection of Children (MCCPC) and child representatives of each barangay. We needed a lot of private documents and pictures that we wouldn’t have been able to find on our own. Their contributions include things such as accomplishment reports, documentation, and brand kits that greatly aided in the development of our project.

Discoveries, Lessons and Surprises 

During and after the creation and development of our website, we discovered a lot about our city and different values to uphold. We were surprised to learn about how much our city has been doing for the survival, protection, development, and participation of our generation. There's actually a lot we didn't know about our city before starting this project and while trying to create this webpage to display our learnings, we learned to work as a team. No further action can be taken if one person doesn't do their part, that was the main lesson we learned. Teamwork was essential to make this project possible and we grew not only as individuals but also as a team once we learned to overcome the obstacles that came with working on a big project together. We did not receive other awards from this, but we have been recognized by our peers and by our city for our continuous efforts to promote Muntinlupa and show appreciate and pride for our city.


South Mansfield College

Technical Research Team