Szymon Różański

Dr. Eng. Szymon Łucjan Różański (PhD) – Assistant Professor

Department of Biogeochemistry and Soil Science

Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology

UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz

Bernardyńska St. 6, 85-029 Bydgoszcz, Poland


I am a Soil Scientist in the field of both Environmental Sciences and Agriculture. I have been working as a researcher at my University since 1998. I am a member of the Polish Society of Soil Science, International Union of Soil Sciences, Commission on Soil Chemistry at the Polish Society of Soil Science, the Polish Society of Magnesium Science, and subject editor with the board of the Journal of Central European Agriculture (JCEA).

My research majors several fields:

· Content and mobility of trace elements in soils, sediments, plant and animal materials.

· Impact of anthropogenic factors on the condition of the environment and risk assessment resulting from its pollution.

· Pollution assessment and remediation of contaminated areas, especially city and industrial areas.

My teaching interests:

· Soil science, geology, and geomorphology.

· Soil survey and classification.

· Soil protection and remediation.

Research projects:

2017- Assessment of environmental impact and remediation project of the Polish Hunting Association’s outdoor shooting range in Łącko near Pakość. European Funds - The Innovative Economy Operational Programme, The Innovative Economy Operational Programme, Regional Development Fund 2014-2020. (Project leader)

2014 - Developing innovative method to create digital maps of soil fertility and prototype of optimized geoapplication. European Funds – The Innovative Economy Operational Programme, The Innovative Economy Operational Programme, Regional Development Fund 2007-2013. (Project leader)

2011-1014 The content of heavy metals and PAHs on the background of properties of alluvial soils between the riverbank and flood embankment of the Vistula River in the Fordońska and Grudziądzka Valleys. Funded by National Science Center. 2716/B/P02011/40 (Main contractor)

Selected papers:

1. Stanek M., Dąbrowski J., Gackowski G., Różański Sz., Długosz J. 2019. Content of selected essential metals in the meat of perch (Perca fluviatilis) from north-central Poland. Journal of Elementology. 24(1): 343-355. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.2.1667

2. Różański Sz., Kwasowski W., Peñas Castejón J.M., Hardy A. 2018. Heavy metal content and mobility in urban soils of public playgrounds and sport facility areas, Poland. Chemosphere 212: 456-466.

3. Różański Sz., Jaworska H., Matuszczak K., Nowak J., Hardy A. 2017. Impact of highway traffic and the acoustic screen on the content and spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24:12778–12786. DOI 10.1007/s11356-017-8910-z

4. Dąbkowska-Naskręt H., Różański Sz., Bartkowiak A. 2016. Forms and mobility of trace elements in soils of park areas from the city of Bydgoszcz, north Poland. Soil Science Annual, 67(2):73-78. DOI 10.1515/ssa-2016-0010

5. Różański Sz., Peñas Castejón J.M., Fernández G.G. 2016. Bioavailability and mobility of mercury in selected soil profiles. Environmental Earth Scinces. 75: 1065. DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5863-3

6. Rutkowska B., Murawska B., Spychaj-Fabisiak E., Różański Sz., Szulc W., Piekut A. 2015. Evaluation of the mercury content of loamy sand soil after long-term nitrogen and potassium fertilization”. Plant, Soil, and Environment. 61, 12: 537–543.

7. Różański Sz., Dąbkowska-Naskręt H., Jaworska H. 2015. Profile distribution of mercury in selected urban soils. Ochrona Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych. 26. 3(65): 1-5.

8. Różański Sz. 2013. Fractionation of selected heavy metals in agricultural soils. Ecological Chemistry and Enginiring S. 20(1):117-125. DOI: 10.2478/eces-2013-0009

9. Świtoniak M., Hulisz P., Różański Sz., Kałucka I. 2013. Soils of the external dumping ground of the Bełchatów open-cast lignite mine. W: Technogenic soils of Poland. red.: Charzynski, P., Hulisz, P., Bednarek, R., Polish Society of Soil Science. Toruń: 255-274.

10. Charzynski P., Bednarek R., Różański Sz., Mendyk Ł., Morawski B. 2013. Lawn soils of Toruń and Bydgoszcz. W: Technogenic soils of Poland. red.: Charzynski, P., Hulisz, P., Bednarek, R., Polish Society of Soil Science. Toruń: 55-80.