Christophe Schwartz

Prof. Dr. Christophe SCHWARTZ

Professor, Urban Soil Sciences

Ph.D., Agronomical Sciences

Engineer, Agronomy & Environmental Engineering

Director of Laboratoire Sols et Environnement, UMR 1120 University of Lorraine-Inra (LSE)

International Joint Lab Ecoland with SYSU-LEPCRT, Guangzhou, China

2, avenue de la forêt de Haye - BP 20163

F-54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France

tel : +33 (0)3 83 59 58 54 +33 (0)6 80 14 92 09


Dr Christophe SCHWARTZ is a 47 years old Professor at the University of Lorraine, France, at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure

d'Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (Ensaia, a Graduate Engineering School for Agronomy and Food Sciences). He is director of

the Laboratoire Sols et Environnement (Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences associated with Inra, French National Institute

for Agronomical Research). He was Vice Director of the Ensaia and head of the team “Pedogenesis of anthropogenic soils -Technosol”

of the Laboratory of Soil and Environmental Sciences ( from 2008 to 2012. He has a background in urban soils,

urban agronomy and biotreatment of polluted soils. He has made a Master of Science on the subject of the quality of garden

soils and the soil to plant transfer of metals. He has an Engineer Degree in Agronomy (Ingénieur agronome) specialised in

environmental sciences (1993), a Doctorate in Agronomy (1997) on the "Phytoextraction of metals from polluted soils by the

hyperaccumulator plant Thlaspi caerulescens" and an Habilitation on the “Response of plants to pollutants of anthropogenic soils”. He

has been involved in research projects on phytoremediation and on the knowledge of the pedogenesis and functioning of urban and

industrial soils. He is member of the direction staff of the French Scientific Interest Group on derelict land and contaminated soils (Gisfi,

since 2002); scientific and technological project dedicated to the acquisition of knowledge for sustainable requalification of degraded

sites polluted by urban and industrial activities; development of synergy. The Gisfi develops synergy between partners from research

and industry and between different skills, based around a scientific and technological project dedicated to acquisition of knowledge for

sustainable requalification of degraded sites polluted by past urban and industrial activities.

Christophe SCHWARTZ has led and participated in French and International projects dealing with:

• soils of urban, industrial, traffic, mining and military areas

• pedogenesis and functioning of urban and industrial soils

• soil engineering

• soil-plant interactions in urban and industrial contexts

• bio-treatment of polluted soils, phytoremediation of soils

• sustainable requalification of urban and industrial areas

• urban agronomy.

Professional experience

2013-present - Director of Laboratoire Sols et Environnement (LSE), Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences associated with French National Institute for Agronomical Research (Inra)

2008-2012 - Head of the team “Pedogenesis of anthropogenic soils - Technosol”, LSE, Université de Lorraine

2007-2012 - Vice-director, dean of the studies, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (Ensaia),

Graduate Engineering School for Agronomy and Food Sciences

2007-present - Professor, Urban soil sciences, Université de Lorraine

1999-2006 - Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

1998-1999 - Researcher, French National Institute for Agronomical Research (Inra)


2006 - Habilitation in Agronomical Sciences, “Response of plants to pollutants of anthropogenic soils”

1997 - Ph.D. in Agronomical Sciences, “Phytoextraction of metals from polluted soils”,

Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

1993 - Engineer Degree in Agronomy, specialised in environmental sciences and engineering,

Graduate Engineering School for Agronomy and Food Sciences

1993 - Master of Science in Agronomical Sciences, “Quality of garden soils and soil to plant transfer of metals”

Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

Selected Publications

1. Béchet B., Joimel S., Jean-Soro L., Hursthouse A., Agboola A., Leitão T.E., Costa H., do Rosário Cameira M., Le Guern C., Schwartz C., Lebeau

T., 2017. Spatial variability of trace elements in allotment gardens of four European cities: assessments at city, garden and plot-scale. Journal of

Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-016- 1515-1

2. Vidal-Beaudet L., Rokia S., Nehls T., Schwartz C., 2016. Aggregation and availability of phosphorus in a Technosol constructed from urban

wastes. Journal of Soils and Sediments 1-11.

3. Leguédois S., Séré G., Auclerc A., Cortet J., Huot H., Ouvrard S., Watteau F., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2016. Modelling pedogenesis of

technosols. Geoderma, 262, 199-212.

4. Joimel S., Cortet J., Jolivet C., Saby N., Chenot E.D., Branchu P., Consales J.N., Lefort C., Morel J.L., Schwartz C., 2016. Physico-chemical

characteristics of topsoil for contrasted forest, agricultural, urban and industrial land uses in France. Science of the Total Environment, 545-546,


5. El Khalil H., Schwartz C., El Hamiani O., Sirguey C., Kubiniok J., Boularbah A., 2016. How physical alteration of technic materials affects

mobility and phytoavailabilty of metals in urban soils? Chemosphere, 152, 407-414.

6. Dagois R., Schwartz C., Coussy S., Lorgeoux C., Ouvrard S., Faure P., 2016. Climatic influence on mobility of organic pollutants in Technosols

from contrasted industrial activities. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 16 (4), 1306-1315.

7. Consalès J.N., Joimel S., Cordier F., Jareno C., Chenot E.D., Schwartz C., 2016. De l’argument à l’action : la biodiversité au service des jardins

familiaux, Projets de paysage, revue scientifique sur la conception et l’aménagement de l’espace

8. Walter C., Bispo A., Langlais A., Schwartz C., Chenu C., 2015. Les services écosystémiques des sols : du concept à sa valorisation. Cahier Club

Déméter (15), 51-68.

9. Schwartz C., Séré G., Stas M., Blanchart A., Morel J.L., Consales J.N., 2015. Quelle ressource Sol dans les villes pour quels services et quels

aménagements ? Innovations Agronomiques, 45, 1-11.

10. Nehls T., Schwartz C., Kim K.H.J., Kaupenjohann M., Wessolek G., Morel J.L., 2015. Letter to the editors: Phyto-P-mining-secondary urban green

recycles phosphorus from soils constructed of urban wastes. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15 (8), 1667-1674.

11. Jangorzo N.S., Watteau F., Hajos D., Schwartz C., 2015. Nondestructive monitoring of the effect of biological activity on the pedogenesis of a

Technosol. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15 (8), 1705-1715.

12. Pey B., Cortet J., Capowiez Y., Nahmani J., Watteau F., Schwartz C., 2014. Technosol composition affects Lumbricus terrestris surface cast

composition and production. Ecological Engineering, 67, 238-247

13. Rokia S., Séré G., Schwartz C., Deeb M., Fournier F., Nehls T., Damas O., Vidal-Beaudet L., 2014. Modelling agronomic properties of

Technosols constructed with urban wastes. Waste Management, 34, 2155-2162

14. Morel J.L., Séré G., Auclerc A., Schwartz C., Leguédois S., Watteau F., 2014. Les sols de l’environnement urbain. Caractéristiques, services et

problèmes liés à leur étude. Bulletin BGS (35), 49-54.

15. Jangorzo N.S., Schwartz C., Watteau F., 2014. Image analysis of soil thin sections for a non-destructive quantification of aggregation in the

early stages of pedogenesis. European Journal of Soil Science, 65(4), 485-498

16. El Hamiani O., El Khalil H., Sirguey C., Ouhammou A., Bitton G., Schwartz C., Boularbah A., 2014. Metal Concentrations in Plants from Mining

Areas in South Morocco: Health Risks Assessment of consumption of edible and aromatic plants. Clean-Soil Air Water, 43 (3), 399-407

17. Pey B., Cortet J., Watteau F., Cheynier K., Schwartz C., 2013. Structure of earthworm burrows related to organic matter of a constructed

Technosol. Geoderma, 202-203, 103–111

18. Ouvrard S., Chenot E.D., Masfaraud J.F., Schwartz C., 2013. Long-term assessment of natural attenuation: statistical approach on soils with

aged PAH contamination. Biodegradation, 24 (4), 539 - 548

19. Nehls, T., Rokia, S., Mekiffer, B., Schwartz, C., Wessolek, G., 2013. Contribution of bricks to urban soil properties. Journal of Soils and Sediments,

13 (3), 575 - 584

20. Lemaire J., Laurent F., Leyval C., Schwartz C., Buès M., Simonnot M.O., 2013. PAH oxidation in aged and spiked soils investigated by column

experiments. Chemosphere, 91, 3, 406–414

21. Jangorzo N.S., Watteau F., Schwartz C., 2013. Evolution of the pore structure of Technosols during early pedogenesis quantified by image

analysis. Geoderma (207-208), 180-192

22. El Khalil, H., Schwartz, C., El Hamiani, O., Kubiniok, J., Morel, J.L., Boularbah, A., 2013. Distribution of major elements and trace metals as

indicators of technosolisation of urban and suburban soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13 (3), 519 - 530

23. Aboudrar W., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., Boularbah A., 2013. Effect of nickel-resistant rhizosphere bacteria on the uptake of nickel by the

hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens under controlled conditions. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13 (3), 501-507

24. Watteau F., Villemin G., Bartoli F., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2012. 0-20 μm aggregate typology based on the nature of aggregative organic

materials in a cultivated silty topsoil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 46, 103-114

25. Séré G., Ouvrard S., Magnenet V., Pey B., Morel J.L., Schwartz C., 2012. Predictability of the evolution of the soil structure using water flow

modeling for a constructed Technosol. Vadose Zone Journal, 11 (1), 1-13

26. Laurent F., Cébron A., Schwartz C., Leyval C., 2012. Oxidation of a PAH polluted soil using modified Fenton reaction in unsaturated condition

affects biological and physico-chemical properties. Chemosphere, 86, 659-664

27. Hafeez F., Spor A., Breuil M.C., Schwartz C., Martin-Laurent F., Philippot L., 2012. Distribution of bacteria and nitrogen-cycling microbial

communities along constructed Technosol depth-profiles. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 231-232, 88-97

28. Hafeez F., Martin-Laurent F., Béguet J., Bru D., Cortet J., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., Philippot L., 2012. Taxonomic and funtional characterization

of microbial communities in Technosols constructed for remediation of a contaminated industrial wasteland. Journal of Soils and Sediments,

12 (9), 1396-1406

29. El Khalil H, Schwartz C, El Hamiani O, Kubiniok J, Morel JL, Boularbah A, 2012. Distribution of major elements and trace metals as indicators of

technosolisation of urban and suburban soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13, 3, 519-530

30. Cortet J., Kocev D., Ducobu C., Džeroski S., Debeljak M., Schwartz C., 2011. Using data mining to predict soil quality after application of

biosolids in agriculture. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40,1972–1982

31. Séré G., Schwartz C., Ouvrard S., Renat J.C., Watteau F., Villemin G., Morel J.L., 2010, Early pedogenic evolution of constructed Technosols,

Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10: 1246-1254

32. Jiang C.A., Wu Q.T., Sterckeman T., Schwartz C., Sirguey C., Ouvrard S., Perriguey J., Morel J.L., 2010. Co-planting can phytoextract similar

amounts of cadmium and zinc to mono-cropping from contaminated soils. Ecological Engineering, 36, 391–395

33. El Hamiani O., El Khalil H., Lounatea K., Sirguey C., Hafidi M., Bitton G., Schwartz C., Boularbah A., 2010. Toxicity assessment of garden soils in

the vicinity of mining areas in Southern Morocco. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 177, 755–761

34. Bedell J.P., Capilla X., Giry C., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., Perrodin Y., 2009. Distribution, movement and availability of Zn and Cd in a dredgedsediment

cultivated with Salix alba, Environmental and Experimental Botany, 67, 2, 403-414

35. Sirguey C., De Souza E Silva P.T., Schwartz C., Simonnot M.O., 2008. Impact of chemical oxidation on soil quality. Chemosphere, 72, 282–289.

36. Séré G., Schwartz C., Ouvrard S., Sauvage C., Renat J.C., Morel J.L., 2008. Soil construction : a step for ecological reclamation of derelict lands.

Journal of Soils and Sediments, 8(2), 130-136

37. Séré G., Ouvrard S., Schwartz C., Renat J.C., Morel J.L., 2008, Ecological assessment of a constructed soil on degraded sites, Journal of Soils &

Sediments, vol 8 (2), p 130-136

38. El Khalil H., Schwartz C., Elhammiani O., Kubiniok J., Morel J.L., Boularbah A., 2008. Contribution of technic materials to the mobile fraction of

metals in urban soils in Marrakech (Morocco). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 8(1), 17-22

39. Wu Q.T., Hei L., Wong J.W.C., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2007. Co-cropping for phyto-separation of zinc and potassium from sewage sludge.


40. Capilla X., Bedell J.P., Schwartz C., Sterckeman T., Perrodin Y., Morel J.L., 2007. Effects of the drying temperature on the extractable metals of

dredged sediments. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 16, 4, 383 - 396

41. Bouvet M., Francois D., Schwartz C., 2007. Road soil retention of Pb leached from MSWI bottom ash. Waste Management, 27, 6, 840-849

42. Aboudrar W., Schwartz C., Benizri E., Morel J.L., Boularbah A., 2007. Soil microbial diversity as affected by the rhizosphere of the

hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens under natural conditions, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 9, 1, 41-52

43. Wu Q.T., Deng J.C., Long X.X., Morel J.L., Schwartz C., 2006. Selection of appropriate organic additives for enhancing Zn and Cd

phytoextraction by hyperaccumulators, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18, 6, 1113-1118

44. Sirguey C., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2006. Response of Thlaspi caerulescens to nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur fertilisation. International

Journal of Phytoremediation, 8, 149-161

45. Schwartz C., Sirguey C., Peronny S., Reeves R.D., Bourgaud F., Morel J.L., 2006. Selection of outstanding individuals of Thlaspi caerulescens for

cadmium phytoextraction. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 8, 1-19

46. Echevarria G., Massoura S., Sterckeman T., Becquer T., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2006. Assessment and control of the bioavailability of Ni in soils.

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 3, 643-651

47. Capilla X., Schwartz C., Bedell J.-P., Sterckerman T., Perrodin Y., et Morel J.-L., 2006. Physicochemical and biological characterisation of

different dredged sediment deposit sites in France. Environmental Pollution, 143, 106-116

48. Boularbah A., Schwartz C., Bitton G., et Morel J.L. 2006. Heavy metal contamination from mining sites in South Morocco: 1. Use of a biotest to

assess metal toxicity of tailings and soils, Chemosphere, 63, 802-810

49. Boularbah A., Schwartz C., Bitton G., Aboudrar W., Ouhammou A., Morel J.L. 2006. Heavy metal contamination from mining sites in South

Morocco: 2. Assessment of metal accumulation and toxicity in plants, Chemosphere, 63, 811,-817

50. Morel J.L., Schwartz C., Florentin L., et de Kimpe C., 2005. Urban soils. In D. Hillel (ed.) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Elsevier Ltd.,

Academic Press, London, 202-208

51. Sterckeman T., Perriguey J., Cael M., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2004. Applying a mechanistic model to cadmium uptake by Zea mays and Thlaspi

caerulescens: consequences for the assessment of the soil quantity and capacity factors. Plant and Soil, 262, 289-302

52. Saison C., Schwartz C., et Morel J.L., 2004. Hyperaccumulation of metals by Thlaspi caerulescens as affected by root development and Cd-

Zn/Ca-Mg interactions. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 6, 1, 49-61

53. Martin-Laurent F., Cornet L., Ranjard L., López-Gutiérrez J.-C., Philippot L., Schwartz C., Chaussod R., Catroux G. et Soulas G., 2004. Evidence

for missing link between atrazine-degrading activity and atrazine-degrading genetic potential in three French agricultural soils. FEMS

Microbiology Ecology, 48, 425-435

54. Fismes J., Schwartz C., Perrin-Ganier C., Morel J.L., Charissou A.M. et Jourdain M.J., 2004. Risk of contamination for edible vegetables

growing on polluted soils by PAHs. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Journal, 24, 827-836

55. Schwartz C., Echevarria G., et Morel J.L. 2003. Phytoextraction of cadmium with Thlaspi caerulescens. Plant and Soil, 249, 27-35

56. Scheifler R., Schwartz C., Echevarria G., Gomot-de Vaufleury A., Badot P.M., et Morel J.L. 2003. Non-phytoavailable” soil cadmium is available

for snails. Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 81-86

57. Perronnet K., Schwartz C., et Morel J.L. 2003. Distribution of cadmium and zinc in the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens grown on

multicontaminated soil. Plant and Soil, 249, 19-25

58. Shallari S., Echevarria G., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., 2001. Availability of Ni in soils for the hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale Waldst. & Kit. South

African Journal of Science, 97, 568-570

59. Schwartz C., Guimont S., Saison C., Perronnet K. Morel J.L., 2001. Phytoextraction of Cd and Zn by the hyperaccumulator plant Thlaspi

caerulescens as affected by plant size and origin. South African Journal of Science, 97, 561-564

60. Schwartz C., Gérard E., Perronnet K., Morel J.L., 2001. Measurement of in situ phytoextraction of zinc by spontaneous metallophytes growing

on a former smelter site. The Science of the Total Environment, 279, 215-221

61. Reeves R.D., Schwartz C., Morel J.L., et Edmondson J., 2001. Distribution and metal-accumulating behavior of Thlaspi caerulescens and

associated metallophytes in France. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 3 (2), 145-172

62. Perronnet K., Schwartz C., Gérard E., et Morel J.L., 2000. Availability of cadmium and zinc accumulated in the leaves of Thlaspi caerulescens

incorporated into soil. Plant and Soil, 227, 257-263

63. Boularbah A., Bitton G., Morel J.L., et Schwartz C., 2000. Assessment of metal accumulation in plants using MetPAD, a toxicity test specific for

heavy metal toxicity, Environmental Toxicology, 15 (5) : 449-455

64. Schwartz C., Morel J.L., Saumier S., Withing S.N. Baker A.J.M., 1999. Root architecture of the zinc-hyperaccumulator plant Thlaspi caerulescens

as affected by metal origin, content and localization in soil. Plant and Soil, 208, 103-115

65. Shallari S., Schwartz C., Hasko A., et Morel J.L. 1998. Heavy metals in soils and plants of serpentine and industrial sites of Albania. The Science

of the Total Environment, 209, 133-142

66. Henner P., Schwartz C., Schiavon M., Morel J.L., Lichtfouse E., 1997. Rapid extraction and analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

by Pipette Pasteur extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Analusis, 25, 8, 51-52