Łukasz Uzarowicz


Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW

Faculty of Agriculture and Biology

Department of Soil Environment Sciences

Nowoursynowska Str. 159, building no. 37, room 1/118, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland

I'm Soil Scientist, Geographer, and Geologist. I did my Ph.D. at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (2009) and got position at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2012. My research interests are as follows:

i) soil-forming and weathering processes in technogenic soils (Technosols) developed from mine and industrial wastes

ii) mineral transformations in soils (e.g. clay mineral formation, sulphide transformations)

iii) soil micromorphology.

From 2013, I am the member of the Commission on Genesis, Classification and Cartography of Soils of the Polish Society of Soil Science. From 2015, I am the Secretary of the Polish Society of Soil Science and the Secretary of the Soil Science Annual journal (formerly Roczniki Gleboznawcze). My website: http://agrobiol.sggw.pl/srodowisko/pages/main-page/staff/lukasz-uzarowicz.php

Key SUITMA publications:

  1. Uzarowicz, Ł., Skiba, M., Leue, M., Zagórski, Z., Gąsiński, A., Trzciński, J., 2018. Technogenic soils (Technosols) developed from fly ash and bottom ash from thermal power stations combusting bituminous coal and lignite. Part II. Mineral transformations and soil evolution. Catena, 162, 255–269.
  2. Uzarowicz, Ł., Zagórski, Z., Mendak, E., Bartmiński, P., Szara, E., Kondras, M., Oktaba, L., Turek, A., Rogoziński, R., 2017.Technogenic soils (Technosols) developed from fly ash and bottom ash from thermal power stations combusting bituminous coal and lignite. Part I. Properties, classification, and indicators of early pedogenesis. Catena, 157, 75–89.
  3. Uzarowicz Ł., Zagórski Z., 2015. Mineralogy and chemical composition of technogenic soils (Technosols) developed from fly ash and bottom ash from selected thermal power stations in Poland. Soil Science Annual, 66(2): 82-91.
  4. Charzyński P., Bednarek R., Greinert A., Hulisz P., Uzarowicz Ł., 2013. Classification of technogenic soils according to WRB system in the light of Polish experiences. Soil Science Annual, 64(4): 145-150.
  5. Uzarowicz Ł., Skiba S., 2013. Technogenic soils developed from mine wastes containing iron sulphides in southern Poland. [In:] Technogenic soils of Poland (Ed. P. Charzyński, P. Hulisz, R. Bednarek), Polish Society of Soil Science, Toruń: 275-299.
  6. Uzarowicz Ł., 2013. Microscopic and microchemical study of iron sulphide weathering in a chronosequence of technogenic and natural soils. Geoderma, 197-198C, 137-150.
  7. Uzarowicz Ł., Skiba S., Skiba M., Šegvić B., 2011. Clay-mineral formation in soils developed in the weathering zone of pyrite-bearing schists: A case study from the abandoned pyrite mine in Wieściszowice, Lower Silesia, Poland. Clays and Clay Minerals, 59(6), 581-594.
  8. Uzarowicz Ł., Skiba S., 2011. Technogenic soils developed on mine spoils containing iron sulphides: Mineral transformations as an indicator of pedogenesis. Geoderma, 163(1-2), 95-108.
  9. Uzarowicz Ł., 2011. Technogenic soils developed on mine spoils containing iron sulfides in select abandoned industrial sites: Environmental hazards and reclamation possibilities. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 20(3), 771-782.
  10. Uzarowicz Ł., Skiba S., Skiba M., Michalik M., 2008. Mineral transformations in soils on spoil heaps of an abandoned pyrite mine in Wieściszowice (Rudawy Janowickie Mts., Lower Silesia). Polish Journal of Soil Science, 41/2, 183-193.