Abstracts of the conference presentations can be downloaded HERE

The 9th SUITMA international congress «Urbanization: a challenge and an opportunity for soil functions and ecosystem services» took place on 22 to 26 May 2017 in Moscow (Russia) and was hosted be the RUDN University. The Conference was supported by the international and national scientific societies and research institutes (International Union of Soil Sciences - IUSS, Dokuchaev Soil Science Society – DSSS, Moscow State University – MSU, Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University – RTSAU, Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg University).

For the Congress registered 219 scientists from 25 countries of Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa. 142 were from Russia and 77 from other countries. The main topic of the SUITMA 9 congress involved advancements, achievements and challenges in soil and environmental sciences with especial attention on the impacts of urbanization on soil erosion, degradation, sealing and pollution as well as adaptation of urban ecosystems and land-use to dynamical environmental conditions at the multiple scales. The most recent research results were presented in contest of the development of sustainable and environmental-friendly anthropogenic soils and ecosystems, climate-smart agriculture and best management land-use practices. The main themes and subjects were addressed by 8 invited lectures, 91 oral presentations and 116 posters. Conference papers will be published in the special issues of Journal of Soils and Sediments, Journal of the Environmental Quality, Eurasian Soil Science and SUITMA 9 Proceedings.

In the course of the Opening Ceremony several distinguished delegates delivered their opening speeches. These included representatives of scientific, governmental and business communities: Prof. KIM Kye-Hoon (SUITMA President, President of Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer (KSSSF)), Prof. Jean Louis Morel (SUITMA’s ex-President, Professor of University of Lorraine), V.M. Philippov (Chair of the organizing committee, Rector of RUDN University), P.A. Chekmarev (Director of the Crop production, Mechanization, Chemization and Plant Protection Department of Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture), M. Levin (Chair of Urban and Anthropogenic Soils Division, International Union of Soil Science), D.V. Nabokin (Prefect of Troitskii and Novomoskovskii administrative districts of Moscow), E.G. Semutnikova (Deputy Director of the Department of Environmental Management and Protection of Moscow city), T.I. Volftrub (President of Russian Association of Landscape Architects).

The Congress agenda consisted of 14 thematic main sessions and 6 round tables, covering different aspects of monitoring, analysis and modelling soil processes, functions and services in urban ecosystems. Each session and round table was convened by highly-recognized experts in the introduced fields. The scientific contributions were held by experienced scientists as well as young PhD candidates or researchers which actively enriched the well-balanced program of the Congress.

Photos taken by: A. Greinert, T. Prokofieva, P. Charzyński, D. Sarzhanov, T. Dubrovina, M. Ryabova and R. Hajiaghayeva

The Plenary session “Urbanization: a challenge and an opportunity for soil functions and ecosystems services” was convened by Dr. E.A. Dovletyarova (RUDN University, Russia) and Dr. V.I. Vasenev (RUDN University, Russia). The session included presentations from SUITMA President Prof. Kye-Hoon John Kim (University of Seul, Korea), one of the founders of urban soil science Prof. M.I. Gerasimova (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), Prof. C. Schwartz (University of Lorraine, France) and Dr. V.I. Vasenev (RUDN University, Russia).

The Session #1 “Problems of SUITMA diagnostic and classification” was convened by Prof. M. I. Gerasimova (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) and Prof. J. Sobochka (National Agriculture and Food Centre, Slovakia). The session reports were from the representatives of the famous Russian soil classification schools, including Prof. T. Prokof’eva, E.Yu. Sukhacheva, Prof. B.F. Aparin, P. Bragina, Prof. M. Gerasimova and an expert in soil classification and diagnostics from Slovakia – Prof. J. Sobochka.

The Session #2 “Spatial-temporal variability of urban soils features and processes” was convened by Dr. J. Stoorvogel (Netherlands) and Prof. I. Vasenev (Russia). At the session the reports were presented by Polish and Russian scientists, focused on soil spatial analysis, modelling and mapping: S. Pindral, I.D. Korlyakov, Yu.A. Zavgorodnyaya, I. A. Martynenko, D. A. Sarzhanov, M.S. Rozanova and T.V. Prokof’eva.

The Session #3 “Urban soils’ functions and ecosystem services: from concepts to application” was convened by J.L. Morel (Université de Lorraine, France) and V.I. Vasenev (RUDN University, Russia). Elected president of International Union of Soil Sciences Prof. Takashi Kosaki presented the report “Soils in anthropized conditions: A challenge in the International Decade of Soils 2015-2024” on the session. Presentations were also given by experts in soil functions and ecosystem services from different countries: G. Lozefski (USA), (Russia), J. Cherel and P. Cannavo (France), Prof. O.A. Makarov, E.I. Kovaleva, Iu.V. Simonova, N.N. Fedorova (Russia).

The Session #4 “Bioremediation and reclamation of soils contaminated with oil-products, heavy metals and radionuclides” was convened by Prof. C. Schwartz (Université de Lorraine, France) and N.A. Chernykh (RUDN University, Russia). The reports presented at the session were focused on problems of contaminated soils in residential, industrial and mining areas. The presentations were given by H. Huot (France), V. Osuna-Vallejo (Mexico), Tankari Dan-Badjo (Niger), E. Flores (Germany), M.M. Karpuhin and G.K.Vasilyeva (Russia).

The Session #5 “Genesis, geography, soil features and processes in SUITMAs” was convened by T.V. Prokof’eva (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) and P. Charzynski (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland). The session covered different aspect of soil formation and functioning in urban areas as well as the problems of soil sealing. The presentations were given by P. Charzynski, J. Kostecki, A. Greinert (Poland), S. Coussy (France), Randy L. Riddle (USA) and A.M. Bulysheva (Russia). A remarkable presentation on the soils sealing issue was given by the first President of SUITMA Prof. Wolfgang Burghardt (Germany).

The Session #6 “Biodiversity in urban soils: threats and opportunities” was convened by O.E. Marfenina (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia). Reports at the session focused on variability and functions of soils microbial communities and mesofauna in urban areas. The presentations were given by S. Joimel, A. Auclerc, Q. Vincent, V. Milano (France), O.E. Marfenina, S.N. Gorbov, B.F. Aparin (Russia) and Raquel C. Mendes (Portugal).

The Session #7 “Policies and strategies to support and maintain urban soils’ quality” was convened by Prof. M.A. Vakula (RUDN University, Russia) and the SUITMA President Prof. Kye-Hoon John Kim (The University of Seul, South Korea). The session was focused on legal regulations, health thresholds and soil quality standards in national and international legislation. Thematic presentations were given by A. Blanchart (France), V.Turan (Turkey), P. Bacon (Australia) and M.A. Vakula (Russia).

The Session #8 “Environmental impacts assessment, standardization and certification of urban soils” was convened by Z. Cheng (City University of New York, USA) and O. Makarov (Lomonosov Moscow State University). The research presentations were focused on soil quality standards and different approaches to analyze soil –water-atmosphere interactions. The presentations were given by G. Fourvel (France), O.V. Nikolaeva (Russia), A. Paltseva, Z. Cheng (USA), B. Pereira (Belgium), A. Naylo (Marocco) and B. Kluge (Germany).

The Session #9 “Soil ecological monitoring in urban ecosystems” was convened by Prof. N.S. Kasimov (Russian Geographical Society, Russia) and Prof. G. Wessolek (Technical University of Berlin, Germany). The session covered a broad range of environmental problems, including soil pollution and reclamation, monitoring quality of contaminated soils and analysis of soil biological activity. The presentations were given by M. Deeb (USA), R. Privitera (Spain), K.V. Shkuropadskaya, C.T. Ngun, E.G. Kuznetsova, E. Maksimova and E. Abakumov (Russia).

The Session #10 “Biogeochemical cycles in urban soils: climate change perspective” was convened by R. Valentini (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, Italy) and N.D. Ananyeva (Institute of physico-chemical and biological problems in soil science, RAS, Russia). The reports were focused on C stocks and fluxes monitoring and assessment in urban soils. The presentations were given by F. Rees, A. Cambou (Fance), B. Scharenbroch, Richard K. Shaw (USA), N.D. Ananyeva and Ya. O. Timofeeva (Russia).

The Session #11 “Soil basis for urban farming” was convened by P. A. Chekmarev (Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture, Russia), V.G. Plyushchikov (RUDN University, Russia) and T. Morin (Urban Soil Institute, CUNY, USA). The session addressed the direction in urban sustainable development - urban food production. Particular interest was also devoted anthropogenic effects on soil functions in urban areas and corresponding risks for urban farming. The presentations were given by C. Schwartz, D. Ramier (France), M. Kawahigashi (Japan), A. Paltseva (USA), V. Lopes de Gerenyu, A. M. Yaroslavtsev and V.V. Tikhonov (Russia).

The Session #12 “Urban soil as a cultural heritage” was convened by A.A. Golieva (Institute of Geography, RAS, Russia). The main aspects discussed at the session included properties and functions of urban sediments and cultural layers, as well the potential of urban soils to support recreational, educational and cultural services. The reports were given by G. Wessolek (Germany), L.P. Voronina, A. Dolgikh, N.N. Matinian, V.M. Kolesnikova and A. Rappoport (Russia).

The Session #13 “Urbanization and sustainable development in Europe” was convened by T.I. Volftrub (President of Russian Association of Landscape Architects, Russia), E.A. Dovletyarova (RUDN University, Russia) and A. Vannini (Tuscia University, Italy). The session focused the role of soils in on urban planning and design and on the urbanization effect on soils and environment. The presentations were given researchers, landscape designers and urban planners: T. Nehls (Germany), R. Teixeira da Silva (Brazil), S.W. Leake (Australia), J.J. Stoorvogel (Netherlands) and Z. Cheng (USA)

Finally, the Session #14 “Modelling and projecting sustainable development of the megalopolises: from Moscow towards the New Moscow Project” was convened by the Prefect of the New Moscow municipality D.V. Nabokin, Dr. E.A. Dovletyarova (RUDN University, Russia) and T. Morin (Urban Soil Institute, CUNY, USA). The main focus of the session included environmental and socio-economical aspects of megacities’ development. The reports were presented by T. Morin (USA), E.M. Nikiforova, O.Yu. Goncharova, L.V. Mosina, V.I. Vasenev and I.I. Vasenev (Russia).

Oral presentations at the research sessions were followed by the poster session where in total 116 posters were presented. Poster an oral presentations were evaluated by the scientific committee and “The Best Poster” and “Young scientist award” were delivered for the best presenters.

Besides to the sessions the congress included 6 round tables where different practical aspects of implementation data and knowledge on urban soils were discussed. The following round tables were organized: Advanced techniques in monitoring, assessment and modeling urban soils (T1), GIS and decision-support systems to manage urban soil resources (T2), Ecological engineering of sustainable urban soils and soil constructions (T3), SUITMAs in education process (T4), Analysis of urban soil’ ecosystem services as an opportunity for scientists to communicate stakeholders and policy-makers (T5) and Environmental challenges and innovations in monitoring and soil reclamation in oil and gas production, transporting and processing (T6).

Aside from the sessions and round tables, the congress included 4 key note lectures, presenting the contemporary problems of urban soil science in a broader content. The lecture were given by Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov “Degradation and progradation of soil organic matter pools and functions by land use”, Prof. Pavel Konstantinov “Urban heat island and its effect on soil temperature regime”, Noble Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Rattan Lal “Urbanization: restoring soil functions” and Noble Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Riccardo Valentini “Urbanization and climate change”.

Besides to the scientific agenda the SUITMA 9 congress in included a rich social program. City excursions, field trips, great food and drinks, music, and contests enhanced the experience of SUITMA 9.

For the first time, a summer school “Modeling, monitoring and management of urban soils” (3MUS-2017) was organized before the congress. The 16 participants from 8 countries followed lectures, seminars and master-classes by top-level researchers, landscape designers, policy makers and urban managers. The summer school also included field work, social program and working on the team projects and was highly appreciated by participants.

The SUITMA 9 participants contributed to the art and creativity inspired by the urban environment through the photo contest “Urban Landscape and Environment”. The one-day field tour organized on May, 25th proposed four alternative routes: i) Lomonosov Moscow State University. Soils on technogenic deposits of 60 years age; ii) Long-manured soils of urban gardens; iii) Forest, agricultural and urban landscapes of Moscow city. RusFluxNet complex environmental monitoring sites at the Timiryazev Russian Agrarian State University; and iv) New Moscow on a way to sustainable development. Recreational areas, plant nurseries and green infrastructure in New Moscow. All the excursions included observation of urban and natural soils as well as visiting recreational areas, cultural places and sightseeing. In total more than 100 participants joined the field-tours.

After the congress two three-day post-congress tours were organized: “North Palmyra” and “A visit to the Czar of Soils”. The “North Palmyra” tour included observations of natural and anthropogenic landscapes of the North-west region, such as the Izhorskay height, formed on the lime deposits - a historical mining area with dozens of lime, slate and phosphorite mines and the natural landscapes of the region dominated by nemoral plant species on the carbonated parent materials. A spacious social program included palaces and parks of Saint-Petersburg, museums and parks of Petehof, world famous Hermitage palace and, of course, a soil museum at the Vasilyevsky Island. The tour “A visit to the Czar of Soils” directed to the Central-Chernozemic region of Russia. Typical Chernozems giving a name to the region, also referred to as the 'Czar of Soils' are the highest standards of soil fertility and the main natural resource of the area. The post-congress tour passed through several bioclimatic zones: deciduous forest, forest-steppe and steppe landscapes of Voronezh and Kursk regions. The participants observed unique profiles of Ordinary and Typical Chernozems in the Central-Chernozemic Preserve and examined unique Technosols on buried Chernozems. In total 27 participants joined the post-congress tours.

As the result of SUITMA an Abstract book and a Guide book for the field excursion were published. The contributions to the congress will be also published in SUITMA 9 Proceedings and the special issues of international journals.

More information and a comprehensive program of the Congress can be found at:

Viacheslav I. Vasenev

Department of Landscape Architecture and Sustainable Ecosystems

Peoples’ friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Moscow, Russia