Andrzej Greinert

Prof. Dr hab. Eng. Andrzej Greinert

Department of Geoengineering and Reclamation

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering

University in Zielona Góra

15 Prof. Z. Szafrana St., Zielona Góra, Poland


I'm Soil Scientist and Specialist in Land Reclamation. I got position at the University in 1994. Currently in the Department of Geoengineering and Reclamation, University in Zielona Góra. My researches are focusing on three main issues:

i) Soils of urban and industrial areas, especially Technosols;

ii) Reclamation techniques and procedures in degraded urban and industrial areas;

iii) Municipal green areas planning and design.

From September 2016 I am Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering. From 2012 – until now: I am Head of the Commission of Soils Degradation, Protection and Reclamation of PSSS. From 2016 – Co-chair of Anthropogenic and Technogenic Soils Working Group of Soil Genesis, Classification and Cartography Commission of PSSS.

More about Me HERE

Key SUITMA publications:

Greinert H.. Greinert A. (1999) Protection and reclamation of soils = Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska glebowego. Zielona Góra, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Zielonogórskiej; ISBN: 8385911901, 326 pp. (in Polish).

Greinert A (2000) Protection and reclamation of the urban areas = Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów zurbanizowanych, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Zielonogórskiej; ISBN: 838591112X, 216 pp. (in Polish).

Greinert A (2000) Soils of the Zielona Góra urban area. Transformation of the soils as a result of urbanization processes. [In:] Burghardt W, Dornauf Ch (eds.) Ist International SUITMA Conference,

Greinert A (2003) Studies on soils of the Zielona Góra urban area = Studia nad glebami obszaru zurbanizowanego Zielonej Góry. Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego; ISBN: 8389321386, 167 pp. (in Polish).

Greinert H., Drab M., Greinert A. (2009) Studies on the effectiveness of forest reclamation of phytotoxic acid Miocene sands dumps of the former brown coal mine in Łęknica = Studia nad efektywnością leśnej rekultywacji zwałowisk fitotoksycznie kwaśnych piasków mioceńskich po byłej kopalni węgla brunatnego w Łęknicy. Oficyna Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, ISBN: 9788374812207, 170 pp. (in Polish).

Greinert A (2010) Selected heavy metals and their behaviour in urban soils versus soil quality standards. Environment Protection Engineering, 36(1): 45-53.

Greinert A (2013) Technogenic soils in Zielona Góra. [In:] Charzyński P, Markiewicz M, Świtoniak M (Eds.) Technogenic soils atlas, PSSS, Toruń, 141-167.

Greinert A, Fruzińska R, Kostecki J (2013) Urban soils in Zielona Góra [In:] Charzyński P, Hulisz P, Bednarek R (eds.) Technogenic soils of Poland, Polish Society of Soil Science, Toruń, 31-54.

Greinert A (2015) The heterogeneity of urban soils in the light of their properties. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15: 1725-1737.