Pen Gloch Y Pibwr

BS. 7.4 km/570m (4.6 miles/1867ft)


Date: Possibility in 2022'

Entry Fee: Free. £2 for parking

Venue: Cwmdu Campsite, Cwmdu, Crickhowell

Kit requirements: Bring full kit. Not sure what that is? See here

Registration: n/a

Records: n/a

Organiser: Paul Dodd 07977912558


Pen Gloch Y Pibwr - translates roughly to "bell end of the piper". It's a prominent peak seen from Cwmdu/Tretower. You can see the top from the start/finish.

This is not a WFRA licensed event. It's a template event and introduction to the newly published Cwmdu East (Score) MapRun.

Covid - clearly those from 'lockdown' areas can not attend. Please obey all the usual guidelines/regulations both nationally and locally. This area is in Powys and currently has no travel restrictions - this may change before Oct 31st.

If you prefer to do the run at a different time/day please feel free. However, only those results made within the hour slot will be included in an overall set of results. The campsite will not be available outside the hour slot - park instead at Cwmdu village hall.

If you take part you do entirely at your own risk and the RO reserves the right to turn you away if you do not appear to have the necessary understanding and experience of running in the hills.

The route may be relatively short and have little ascent/descent but in poor weather can quite easily provide a stiff challenge.

You will need to decide on and navigate the best route. The way will not be marked (except a small section in the fields on descent). You must obviously keep to public rights of way below the fell line - no climbing of fences/walls.


There are no marshals on the hill and no physical marking on the ground to show the location of the checkpoints. All timing and checkpoint tagging is through the MapRunF app on smart phone. No phone no run.


There are 4 checkpoints which you must visit in the correct order. The 1st checkpoint is close to where the Beacons way joins the open fell side. The 2nd is Pen Allt Mawr, the 3rd Pen Gloch Y Pibwr and the 4th is a stile into fields from the open fell. Much of the route is on paths and sheep trods, but there is a rough section on bilberry/heather leading up to Pen Allt Mawr. There is some tarmac close to the start and finish.

Pen Gloch Y Pibwr

View from Pen Allt Mawr

Maprun. What is it?

Maprun is a free 'app' you download to your phone. It automatically records which checkpoints you visit, when you start and when you finish. After, your score and route is uploaded automatically to the overall results table.

When you find a checkpoint, your phone emits a loud bleep, the point on the map changes from pink to green and your time to get there is recorded automatically.

Don't panic all you technophobes! It's very intuitive to use.

Just press 'start' and it does it all for you. It starts automatically as you cross the start line, it recognises when you get to each checkpoint, records that you've been there and at the finish stops and uploads your time and score automatically to the overall results table. Once you've started, you can if you like just stow your phone in a pocket or bumbag.

How do I get the 'app' and how do I learn how to use it?

You'll be able to download the app and the map you need anywhere that has WIFI or a good mobile signal (3g/4g). It's best to do this before leaving home but Cwmdu campsite has free WIFI and so does the Farmers Arms in Cwmdu.

The MapRun app is particularly appropriate under the current Covid situation. It means walkers/runners can test themselves in a competition/challenge format without the need to gather in numbers.

For this event, the checkpoint values are irrelevant as everyone will be going to the same ones. We are using the app merely to make sure you go to each one, to time you on the route and to produce a set of results.

How to get the app and map ready on your phone:

Download the app from your fav place:



or search for MaprunF, by FNE Enterprises

You’ll need to set up the app with your personal details then download the map at home (don’t try at the venue as there is no mobile signal). To get the event map onto your phone, first start up the app then click:

Select Event - UK - Wales - South Wales Trails -

The map will take a few moments to download. You can view the map by clicking 'go to start'.

At the venue just go the app on your phone. When ready for the off press 'go to start'. Keep away from the start checkpoint until you are ready to start. Walk/run towards the start checkpoint when you're ready and as you cross the start point your phone will bleep and you're on your way. All timing starts from the beep. Remember, you must return to this same checkpoint to finish.

If you wish, you can get the app to show your position on the map on the screen and leave a 'breadcrumb' trail of where you have been. Just go to 'options and settings' before you start and click 'display location' and 'display track'.

The app may pick up other checkpoints as you run - don't worry. Just make sure you go to the 4 checkpoints on the course map or this event.

Mountain Skills

You need to run with appropriate equipment (clothing, footwear, navigational tools etc) and you need to have the right skills to cope with what could be very difficult conditions. Don't make the silly mistake of assuming that as it's hot and sunny in the car park that it will be equally pleasant on the top of the mountains.

The RO will define what 'kit' is required on the day depending on the weather conditions

If you are in any doubt about the above then make sure you go with someone (appropriately distanced of course) who does have the right skills.

Solo runners/walkers should (as always) let someone know where they are going and at what time they should arrive back. They could additionally leave a note in the windscreen of their car as to their intentions.

As well as using your phone to navigate by and to record your outing it is essential that you also have adequate backup plans for navigation and route finding - printed maps and a map and compass.

Printed maps will be available at Cwmdu campsite on the day or you can use the map downloaded to your phone (or you can use both).