Hill, Lake & Hole Race

AS 10km/450m (6 mile/1500ft)



Saturday April 11:30 am

Entry: £5 on the day only

Event HQ: Park Farm, Llangattock,


Over 18.

Organiser: Andy Creber, 07530442066


Part of the course crosses exposed rough moorland. It is possible that course marking will not survive extreme weather, so you are advised to ensure you are navigationally competent. A recce would be worthwhile.

Route description:

The first Kilometre or so rises up through the fields, via the canal bridge early on, slowly asserting itself, as you approach the open fell.

You then pick up a stony sheep trod on the right of the quarry. From here to the first checkpoint (The Hill) there are several trods you can follow, although you will not lose time by following the flagged route.

From the Hill, the route turns sharp right and immediately picks up a small but defined ‘trod’ through the bilberry and heather. This takes you to about 350m from the Lake. (No marshal, but compulsory) Here, you are sharply reminded of just how appalling mountain/heathland vegetation can be like. Unless I can find any easier route to flag before the day, you will really have to knuckle down to make headway as best you can.

More tough terrain to the next checkpoint, the Hole. Then you come to the best bit of the race. Or the worst, depending upon your perspective ! The descent to the woods.

If you’re imagining the scree to be small and forgiving, allowing your heels to dig in easily, giving that satisfying sinking feeling, think again. It is a technical descent. This is just the size of rock that will not yield much, if at all, under your feet when you walk or jog down it. This gives a feeling that it’s “ankle twisting terrain.” Indeed it is.

However . . . together with choosing the right line and composition of boulders, an aggressive approach which moves them under your heels will get you down sharpish. Tip-toeing could lead to disaster, or you getting overtaken by more experienced, probably uglier, ‘goats’. There are many boulders that are just too big to move, so you must choose a line wisely, assimilate all you can see in an instant, and get on with it. It will be unforgiving of mistakes. “Brain off, Brakes off ?” – B*ll*cks ! If you’ve not raced outside of south Wales please treat this descent with respect. The flags/markers are there as a guide only.

When the route across the scree turns left, DO NOT drop down the ‘fall line’ and anticipate contouring across to join the route. You will be directly in the line of fire of any head-sized boulders dislodged by your fellow runners above you. Follow the flagged route. This is vital for your safety.

Once down in one, or several pieces, you’ll be in the woods. After about 900m of rough path, you branch off right on a small trod/path, rise a little, and contour around to the top of a nice stoney incline, down through the woods. Immediately beforehand, there is a wooden bench seat to your left. You have 260m down this stoney incline to gain as much time as you can, with another 900m to the Finish. It’s a further 10k to Neville Hall A+E.

The final rough line of descent will be decided when the course is marked, but a recce of the boulder field in general would be beneficial. You will then realise that there is initially an attractive steepish grass slope alongside. This is treacherous when wet. Avoid at all costs. The route will be marked such that this is NOT the best line of descent for the competent.

Enjoy !