Grim Reaper/Mynydd Llangors

AS 5 km/288m (3 miles/946ft)

(not planned for 2023)
January 2022.
12:00 noon.

Registration - in the cafe 10:30 - 11:30

Entry Fee: £6
Enter on-line here (from Dec 1st)

Junior races - Hannah Hopkinson will be organising junior races for all age groups from 10:00am (be aware there is a long walk in to the start).

Venue: Llangors Rope Centre, Gilfach Fm, Llangorse, Brecon, LD3 7UH

Cafe facilities (takeaway), toilets and parking available

Minimum age: 16 years
Helen Brown Mynydd Du 2018 27.58
Mike Pfiefer Builth AC 2019 23.27

Organiser: Rona Davies 07949 162480

Results 2022
Results with asc/des times
Category Winners
Team Results

Results 2020 (.pdf)
Prize Winners 2020 (.pdf)
Team Results 2020 (.pdf)
Photos 2020 (Paul Colley-Davies)

Race Report 2020

Results 2019 (.pdf)
Results 2019 (.xls)
2019 Report
2019 Photos

Results 2018
Photos from 2018 (Tim Woodier)
2018 Report

If you are going to recce this route please be aware the start and finish of this race is on private land. This section will be marked on the day.

Grim Reaper fell race is set in the heart of the Brecon Beacons in an outstanding location, based at Llangors multi activity centre.

The idea being a tough, short, winter hill race for those that love descending. The race was formed around the descent, which gives you a spectacular view of Llangors lake as you make your way from the trig.

Please be aware this is a tough, short race, AS meaning short, hard! The race is all on open fell (the start and finish on private land which will be marked) with typical hazards such as, mud, rocks, streams, barbed fences. Also some navigational choices and two check points.

The weather can be a challenge and also differ from the start to the top. Please bring full kit as WFRA stipulate. A decision will be made on the day. If you haven’t got appropriate kit you cannot race. I recommend good grippy trainers.

This is a friendly, family event - all are welcome - please remember to distance appropriately. All routes will be well marked and marshaled.

Prize presentation will be in the cafe after the race. There may be chips etc after you run.

The family have kindly allowed us to use their facilities, please buy takeaway refreshments and respect their centre by removing muddy trainers if you enter. Please adhere to all covid related protocols set up at the centre.

Look forward to seeing you. Rona.

Link to Facebook Page here