Pickled Plums

Sam Choy’s cookbook had a story about mixing a jar of soy sauce, vinegar and sugar to go plum picking with friends. It reminded me of going to the street market with my great-aunt in Taiwan, and my favorite treat of pickled guava in the market. It inspired me to try the following for pickling fruits.

2 – 3 cups small, firm plums

4 Tablespoons sugar

3 Tablespoons lime juice

1 teaspoon salt

Wash plums. Cut plums in half and take out pit.

Refrigerated Option

Mix sugar, lime juice, and salt. Add plums and mix well. Store in jars in refrigerator.

Preserved Option

Boil bottles and lids (for canning). Remove from water and dry. Bring to a gentle boil in a pot the sugar, lime juice, and salt. Add plums, bring back to boil, and blanch for 3 minutes. Put the plums and juice in the bottles and screw the lids on tight. Put the bottles back in boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove bottles and let cool.