
Candied Sweet Potatoes

When we first moved to Chicago, Jim worked with another postdoc, Heidi Newberg, at Fermilab. We met a couple at Heidi's house who introduced us to this candied sweet potatoes. The husband was a blind programmer who commuted by train daily into Chicago, and the wife was a huge romance novel fan. We just had to have this recipe. This dish is Christopher’s favorite part of Thanksgiving. The recipe came from “Their First Thanksgiving” by Stella Bagwell. The Prologue of the book reads:

" "You want me to come there? For Thanksgiving?"

Olivia Wescott gripped the phone with one hand and groped behind her for a chair to sink into. She'd never thought she'd see Sam Gallagher again. She'd promised herself she'd never have to see the man again. Now here was his mother inviting her to the Gallagher farm!

"I know it's short notice, Olivia. Were you planning on spending the holiday with your parents?"

A dry laugh rose up in Olivia's throat, forcing her to swallow before she answered Ella's question. "No. They're out of town." As usual, she thought. "But Ella --"

"Oh please, no buts," the older woman broke in. "Kathleen would be so surprised and happy to see you. It would mean so much to her to see her old friend again."

Olivia sighed, feeling mixed emotions. To be honest, she would love to see Kathleen again, too. Kathleen had been her closest and dearest friend since their college days"

3 to 3½ lbs sweet potatoes or Yams

1 stick butter or margarine

1½ cups brown sugar (packed)

½ tsp cinnamon

1 tsp salt

½ cup maple syrup

½ cup water

Peel potatoes and slice lengthwise, making slices about ⅜ to ½ inch thick. Melt butter in large, heavy skillet. Add potato slices, lightly browning all on both sides.

Sprinkle sugar, cinnamon and salt over browned potato slices, then drizzle with syrup. Add water to the whole thing, then gently fold all ingredients together. Don't worry if some of the slices break. Cover skillet and simmer over low heat for twenty to thirty minutes, or until potatoes are tender and glaze is thick and syrupy.