Shu-i Wang Home Page

Optical Engineer designing HUDs & Enhanced vision Systems (Resume)

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Two kids. All aboard, the rollercoaster ride will begin momentarily.  (Doug Toomey, 7/97, in email)

Twins amount to a permanent riot. And there ain't any real difference between triplets and an insurrection.  (Mark Twain, November 1879, at a banquet hosted by the Army of Tennessee to honor its first commander, General U.S. Grant)

soME FEARAFUL AND WONDERFUL THINGS ARE HAPPENING on my computer....  (Alan R. Annis, 1996, in email)

"People ask me how I can sleep managing experimental satellite programs. I tell them I sleep like a baby. I sleep for an hour, then I cry for an hour, and I spend the rest of the night on the bottle."

Richard J. Blott, space department project manager, U.K. Defence Evaluation and Research Agency