December 6, 2019

Important Updates:

  • Assessment folders were sent home in your child's backpack on Thursday, December 5th. Please read the inserts and let us know if you have any questions/comments by recording them on the insert at the front of the folder. Please return the empty folder to school this week. Thanks for your help with this!
  • On Thursday, December 12th we have a few exciting things happening! We will be visiting the Christmas store first thing in the morning. Students have the opportunity to purchase gently used gifts for family for $1/$2 and have them gift wrapped. Please send in your child's list and money in a ziploc bag.
  • On Thursday after recess, we will be continuing our learning about seasonal changes by studying the Coast Salish moons with guest speaker, Charlene George.
  • Concert ticket requests are due back by Monday December 9th. Families may request two tickets for the 1pm performance and/or 2 tickets for the 6:30pm performance. Students will be in the classroom for the duration of the show.
  • Book orders are due today...if you still want to order online please do so until Sunday December 8th (when I will be putting the order in). I want to be sure that the orders that are placed arrive prior to the holidays.

We finished our leaf print art this week...they turned out super well!

We are doing a 'Kindness Calendar' for the month of December. Every day we do something kind for our friends or family or others at school. We left happy notes in library books one day.

We worked with number patterns this week.

We enjoy the puppets at library time.

We built number patterns out of unifix cubes.

We explored pattern that were non-linear

Ms. Radsma had the students write some holiday letters to spread cheer to service people overseas.

We made spiral patterns.

Each student came home with an ornament, a writing sample (what makes their heart fill with happiness) and a book to keep!