My Love for Cooking — 5 Reasons Why

As my mother always says,

Cooking is love made edible…

When I was a little kid, I used to help my mother in the kitchen. She would always make my favourite dishes. Watching her cook since I was a kid, made me want to try out. So here I am, after more than a decade, writing about what inspires me to cook and why I love cooking so much. 👩‍🍳

1. Trying out new things

There are so many different types of food belonging to different cuisines all over the world. Many different recipes are available online for every one to download and share as well. You can even add your own personal touch to these recipes and try out different styles and versions of them.

There is nothing wrong with a little bit of experimentation while cooking, as long as what you make is edible…

2. Having fun

Whether you cook for your family, friends or just for yourself, you will always enjoy it. Seeing how different veggies, meat and spices combine to give those gorgeous flavor, makes you really happy. You will enjoy every bit of the process, starting from chopping to baking.

Cooking is an art full of creativity, where you dance in your kitchen, mix your imagination with a twist and put together a delicious meal…

3. Getting praised and comments

When others enjoy what you have cooked and give you comments about the food, you feel overjoyed, proud and accomplished. Especially when words of praise come along, deep down you are definitely enjoying the moment.

Hearing the words such as “this is so amazing” or “this tastes really good” motivates me to cook even better the next time…

4. Healthy living

Incorporating fresh ingredients into your meals makes them healthier than having processed food. You can include more fresh fruits and veggies to your diet by cooking your own meals. This gives you a good opportunity to learn about the various nutrients available in what you eat.

Since you know how you made the food, there is nothing to worry about having a bad tummy the next day…

5. Calming the mind

I find cooking as a very relaxing task to be engaged in. Hunting through the refrigerator, collecting the ingredients, preparing them and putting them together to make something delicious, puts me in a much relaxed mood than sitting on the couch and watching a movie. I have never felt stressed while cooking.

As my mom always says, cooking is a way to express your love to your family in an edible manner…

Passion for Cooking

Not everyone in this world loves to cook. However, those who love cooking are truly lucky, as well as their families. It is a great experience that makes you happy and makes others happy as well. If you love cooking, keep up the passion. It is the best feeling ever. 😊

Cooking with love provides food for the soul…

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