48+ Mile Bike Ride - Saturday Jan 7th - 7:45 am

Post date: Dec 26, 2011 2:39:29 AM

Date: Saturday, Jan 7th

Time: Arrive and be ready to ride by 7:45 am

Meeting Place: Bosque Del Rio Hondo slightly West of Rosemead Blvd and San Gabriel Blvd. (see attached maps)

Distance: Approximately 48 flat miles. Round trip from Whittier Narrows to the Long Beach via Rio Hondo Bike Path to LA River Bike Path. The distance and brisk pace might be too much for some of the younger scouts that do not ride regularly. If you are not sure a parent is requested to ride along allowing the option to turnaround at any point if needed.

Difficulty: Moderate. The ride is on a bike path and generally flat, but we plan to maintain a brisk pace.


1. Have previously ridden at least 25 miles

2. Helmet (mandatory)

3. Spare inner tube appropriate to bike size

4. Tools to remove bike wheel if you do not have a quick release

5. Adults - Pump or CO2 canister to inflate tire

6. Water (at least 32 oz) and food (riding for 4 hours)

7. Desire to have some fun!!!!!

NO small single speed BMK type bikes allowed on this ride. Please make sure your bike is good working order.

(Not sure – Check with either Mr. Rolan, Mr Tam or Mr Tran before the ride)