One Fine Day Ptu
For this tutorial i used a beautiful kit by Scrappers Delight`s called One Fine Day,You can purchase this here
Mask i used is Mask14 by melissaz creationz here 2nd set top right
The font is Satisfaction get that here
Filters~Superblade pro coconut ice.
Eye Candy4000 gradient glow.
Ok onto the tut....
Open up a new canvas,700x700,flood fill white,you can resize later.Add a new layer,selctions,select all and paste paper into selection,deselect.
Layers,new mask layer,from image and find your mask,click ok then merge group,resize this by 70% and move to the top of the canvas.
Paste sdjp element 7 the little house onto the canvas,and resize by about 80%,move towards the top left of the canvas.
Paste in sdjp element 58,the fence onto the canvas,resize by 70% and place to the right hand side,behind the house layer,add a drop shadow i use 2,2, 50 5
and then sharpen.
Paste in element 2 from the kit,the stones with grass and place that in front of the fence,moving it down a little,resize by 80%.
Paste element 10,the little fairy sitting down onto the canvas,resize this by 60%,and have her sit on the stones,drop shadow and sharpen.
Paste element 17 the cat onto the canvas,resize byabout 35%,and put it next to the fairy.
Paste element 5 onto the canvas,the stack of plantpots,resize by 40% drop shadow and sharpen and place to the right hand side of the fairy.
Paste element 13,the snail onto the canvas,resize this by 20% and place in front of the plantpots.
Click on your mask layer then paste element 42 onto the canvas placing behind the fence and to the right,resize as needed and drop shadow,sharpen.
On the same layer paste the flowers,element 45 again behind the fence,and reaize and move to where you like them.
Paste element 18,the sun onto the canvas and put that right att he left hand side at the top,and resize it a little.
Paste element 56,the signpost,and put that in front of the house,to the left of the garden,resize this and add any words you like to the sign.
Paste in element 57 the watering can resize and go to image mirror,place this at the bottom of the sign.
Place element 16 the bird,resize and place it on the top of the sign.
Now add element 12 the butterfly,resize and place that where you like it.
Paste in element74,the little elf man and resize him,and move to near the cottage door.
Click on the white background layer,add a new layer and selections,select all and paste in paper 2 into selection,
select none then again apply the mask,resize by about 80% and move down to the bottom of the canvas.
You can now add any other elements to finish off your tag,resizing and placing where you like them.
I used element 21,19 and 20,element 34 and moved that to the top of the house.
I used two of the little fireflys and resized them and placed one above the plantpots and one above the tall flower.
Add the One Fine Day wordart,resize,then on the wordart go to selctions,select all,selections float,defloat then add a new layer,click bck on the wordart layer,
selections modify expand by 1,click back on the new layer and floodfill with the gold gradient,add drop shadow,deselect,
then layers arrange move down.Click back on the wordart layer and layers merge down.
Move this to the top of your canvas.
Finally for my name i used the gold gradient that comes with psp,fill colour #B4BECD,and applied superblade pro coconut ice,
and added a drop shadow.
That`s it you are done!
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial :)