Beauty in Pink Ftu
For this tutorial i used the lovely art of Alena Lazareva,you must have a licence to use her art,
you can get this and her tubes from Up Your Art here
Gorgeous Ftu scrapkit called `Girlie In Pink` from A [Space] Between here
*This kit is now Ptu*
Mask 19 is from melissaz creationz here-scroll to the bottom
Font is MonArmour script,a pay font,you can find other free script fonts here
Wordart of choice
Filters Unlimited Paper Textures(optional)
Onto the tut.............
Open a new image 650x650-you can resize later-flood fill with white,then add paper 6 as a new layer.
Layers>new mask layer>scroll to your chosen mask,hit apply then merge group.
Resize the mask to 85%,all layers unchecked.
Paste in your close up tube now-drag it under the mask circle layer,and use the lasso tool
to remove any parts overhanging the mask.
Add a resized paper behind the close up tube-i used paper 9.
I added a paper effect to this using Filters Unlimited,if you choose to do this,
i used Canvas fine,on default settings.
Open element 1,and use your lasso tool to take a small section of the flowers,
then click on your textured paper layer,and paste as a new layer.Position so you can see
the flowers behind your close up tube.Duplicate and mirror,and position again.
Open element 33,the circular flowers and resize by 60%.Paste onto your canvas,above the mask layer,
and use your deform tool so the flower circle is just slightly bigger than the mask circle.
Image flip then add a drop shadow-i use 2,2,50 5.Sharpen if needed.
Add your main tube,and mirror it so she`s facing the opposite way to the close up,
position to the left of the circle mask and add a drop shadow.
Paste element 17 as a new layer,resize this by about 30%,and place it at the bottom of the frame.
You can add a few more and place them where you like,just duplicate and resize each one.
Paste the pink ribbon,element 15 as a new layer and resize by 50%,place on the right hand side of the
mask frame and add a drop shadow.Place one of your little flowers over the middle of the ribbon.
Now add the darker pink ribbon,element 32 as a new layer,and place at the bottom of the frame
in the middle,resize by 40%,and again add a little flower onto the bow.I used a rose that comes with the tube.
This is where you`ll add your name.
Open element 43,resize by 60% and place under your mask frame,then add any other elements
you like from the kit,then add your name onto the bottom bow,i used a script font,size 35,
and used a pink gradient for the fill,and a small pink gradient glow.
Add any word art and copyrights,then close off the white background,merge all layers,
and resize to your liking.
Save as a png and that`s it you are done!
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial :)