I ran out of space at “Tibetological” website, and finally it was shut down, so I opened this one, and then yet another called “New Tibetological.” Both “Tiblical” and its sister website “New Tibetological” were made in order to serve the needs of “Tibeto-logic” blogsite.

For Tiblical’s content, scroll to the top and tap on the word “More.”•


Tibetan Proper Name Index” (TPNI), now completed, has been moved to its own website. It may now be seen at “Tibetosophy” website.

There is also a site devoted to “Bon Bibliography” in case you are interested, 

and for the serious Tibetologist there is “Tibetan Vocabulary.”

Last but not least, you may like to have the 2020 2nd edition of the book “Tibetan Histories.” Just tap on the links and copy the addresses for future reference, or if you prefer, copy them to your own desktop.

If you are looking for “Tibskrit Philology,” the new edition isn’t quite ready to hang up on the web.