The Benefits of Mani Wheels



For Ārya Lokeśvara.


The Noble Avalokiteśvara explained the method[s] for turning Maṇi Wheels [as follows]:  "Whether turning hand Wheels or earth, water, fire and air Wheels, do not confuse the high with the low, but [keep things] in sequence.  Inscribe [the letters] without any mistakes, additions or omissions with whatever you can afford, gold, silver, or vermillion ink.  It is good if the 'life axis' is made of metal, but the lower and upper parts are to be made of sandalwood and it should be properly clothed.

"The benefits of revolving it once are that all the karmic shadows, emotional complexes and unconscious motivations which have accumulated over beginningless time are in that same moment brought to an end.  Even though they may not be your main recitation, the secret mantras, vidyā mantras and ḍhāraṇī mantras are brought to perfect fulfillment by the action of turning the Wheel.  Whatever tantric generation stage contemplations for the three Bodies are undertaken, whether they be for the well known peaceful or wrathful deities of the tantras, they are certain to be successful.

"Whoever turns such a Wheel as this, the same one will be blessed by the lamas of the scriptural transmission (the Kagyü).  The divine assemblages of yi-dams will bestow powers.  The intentions of the Bliss Travellers will come about.  Wrathful deities, male and female both, will clear away obstructions.  The Dharma Protectors will carry out actions [on your behalf]."  So it was said.

According to the Perpetually Revolving Dharma Wheel Tantra,[1] "Each revolution of the Cakra ('Wheel') fulfills just the number of recitations necessary in a retreat."

The Wishfulfilling Gem Tantra[2] says, "This great Dharma Wheel multiplies [mantras] with a single revolution.  One becomes a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, a million, ten million, a hundred million and so on."

The Saddharma Puṇḍarīka[3] has the statement, "This great Dharma Wheel is higher than other precepts.  Directing the thoughts toward other precepts without knowing the benefits of Wheels is like a blind man standing guard.  What purpose do they serve?  Those with minimal insight and maximum activity are like the old donkey stuck in the swamp.  That's why the precepts on Wheels were explained."

The Lotus Tiara Tantra[4] explains, "The visualizations for revolving Wheels are these.  Rays of light diffuse, cleansing and overcoming all the seeds of unconscious motivations and conditionings leading toward the six types of birth, sufferings, karma and emotional complexes of all sentient beings.  Those who have once encountered this precept will be completely released from all sufferings, karmic shadows, emotional complexes and the results of samsaric conditionings.  It is a Wheel to cut samsara's roots.  Put it to practice with the greatest urgency.  Attainment is nearby without a doubt."

The Lotus Webbed Tantra[5] tells us, "The benefits of once turning Path-illuminating contemplative absorption Wheel:  From the [syllables of the] mantra light rays are emitted, which strike the animate beings giving birth in their minds to the four immeasurable attitudes:  love, sympathy, joy and equanimity--whereupon the six paramitas—that of giving and the rest—are perfected.  From the first Level Very Joyful up to the tenth, Dharma Cloud, the five Paths and ten Levels are completely perfected.  Then they obtain Buddhahood with the naturally-arrived-at five Total Knowledges and the fruition Three Bodies.

According to the Wheel Treatise[6] taught by Teacher Padmasambhava, "Beings struck by the sound or shadow of the revolving Wheel or who drink and wash in the ḍhāraṇī water will have sin's water and sand removed at once."

The Lotus Garlanded[7] says, "There is a need for this Cakra ('Wheel').  For persons who lack energy and just keep themselves comfortably, the Wheel precepts are truly precious.  Energetic people, those who recite the mantras and turn the Wheel without doubt attain the tenth Level.  Even when they have plenty of sins and defilements, they are gone in just one moment.  No matter for which yi-dam or deity of the desire realm they do their practice, they will have success instantly.  Even those without any religious aspirations will have their faults wiped away and spiritual qualities perfected when they start writing [the mantras] and turning [the Wheel].  Impure beings of the lower realms will, when merely struck by the wind of a Cakra suddenly turned in the wind (or the like) will be freed from lower rebirths." said the Victor.

To summarize, it makes pure all the accumulations of faults and the major and minor vow infractions.  Just seeing or hearing it brings liberation.  The various precepts and benefits have been selected from all the tantras and quickly compiled here as a composition on the holy Wheel.  May the animate sentient humans manifest the Body, Speech and Mind of Buddha, recognize the three transitions and come to know the three selflessnesses.

As it says in the Great Torrent Turning Sûtra,[8] "Make the base of Bodhi Tree wood and the Bodhi Mind will always arise.  Make the 'life wood' of solid metal and the practitioner's life and vitality will be strong and enduring.  The syllables ma, ṇi, and hûṃ point toward the base, while the oṃ is rolled in various silks.  Merit, leisure and wealth increase.  The separate piece that revolves at the top is a symbol for the Assets Body Great Compassion and a sign that the two truths have entered into union.  When these are encircled with extra [inscribed] mantras, it is a sign of the Emanation Body that works for animate beings.  Attaching a conch for a 'circling weight' is sign of increasing activities on behalf of aspirants.  The large circling parasol on the to is to be understood...  Turning the large parasol [design] on the top [of the cylinder] means that all the Levels and Paths will be completed and the actualized voidness of spiritual realization (spangs-rtogs) will be realized. (6v)

The Vicious Circle Extrication Tantra[9] speaks generally, "The persons who turn this jewel-like Wheel themselves as well as the beings who see, hear, remember or touch it complete the accumulations, purify obscurations and obtain Enlightenment (Bodhi).

The Victors' Underlying Intentions Summation,[10] "When the revolving mantras are revolved by water, air or hand, as the Buddha said, it is [equivalent to] offering recitations.  One receives a number of recitations equivalent to the number [of mantras] revolved.  Revolving is even purer than recitation.  If you are looking for Buddhahood in this lifetime, revolve."

It is also said, "Through the turning of the water-driven Wheel the beings who live in water as well as those who drink it complete the accumulations, purify obstructions, and obtain Enlightenment.  Through the turning of the fire-driven Wheel, those who have committed sins within the household and beings struck by the smoke complete the accumulations, purify obstructions, and obtain Enlightenment. Through the turning of the wind-driven Wheel beings who are struck by that wind complete the accumulations, purify obstructions, and obtain Enlightenment.

The contemplative visualizations to accompany the spinning of the Wheel are, according to Avalokteśvara's Signs of Success with Wheels,[11] "The Wheels battle each other in the sky like clouds.  Compassion flashes across the atmosphere like lightning, while blessings shower on the ground like rain, making the spiritually capable ripen like harvest grain."  This, as it explains, comes in a dream or vision.

The transmission of precepts on how this Maṇi Wheel is made went as follows:  "The Victors of Five Types in their parental form gave the precepts to the skywalker Lion Face.  Lion Face thought about finding some suitable vessel to receive this Wheel.  She circulated through India, China, Nepal, Khotan, Oddiyana, Persia and Tibet and finally, seeing that the glorious lord Saint Nāgārjuna was suitable, gave it to him.

Once while this same Nāgārjuna was single-mindedly engaged n practice, because many wind-driven Wheels were revolving on top of his retreat house, he had a clear vision of his yi-dam Avalokiteśvara as many as the stars in the sky and unimaginable spiritual qualities took birth in his heart.  Nāgārjuna's patron, a Dharma King, had him revolve the Buddhist scriptures and treatises in a Dharma Wheel.  Later the supreme personage Marpa Lotsa acted as editor [of this text], and even today there is said to be a Revolving the Dharma Wheel."[12]

Nyag-phrug Byang-chub-rdo-rje[13] spoke these words, "The benefits of turning the Wheel one time are equivalent to those of reading the Tanjur once.  Turned twice, it is equivalent to reading the Victor's Word once.  Turned thrice, the obscurations of body, speech and mind will be cleansed.  Turned ten times, even a Mt. Meru's worth of sins will be cleansed.  Turned a hundred times, one will be equal to the Dharma King Deathlord.  Turned a thousand times, the meaning of Dharma Body will be understood for one's own benefit.  Turned a ten thousand times, the benefit of sentient beings, of oneself and others, will be achieved.  Turned a hundred thousand times, one will be reborn in the audience of Avalokiteśvara.  Turned a million times, the beings of the six types will attain the bliss ocean.  Turned ten million times, they will be extricated from the vicious circle, from the hells.  One hundred million times, they will be equal to Saint Avalokiteśvara himself."

To explain the praises [to the Wheel] a little, although there are many traditions of explanations in the sûtras and tantras, the Great Torrent Sûtra[14] says, "Śākyamuni said, 'Listen well, Sgrib-pa-rnam-sel.  Turning the Dharma Wheel one time has more benefits than the best of the true yogis who have done practice for seven years.  Turning the Dharma Wheel one time has more benefits than an aeon of teaching, learning, and contemplation.  Turning the Dharma Wheel one time has more benefits than trying to practice even the six Perfections for an aeon.  Turning the Dharma Wheel one time has more benefits than teaching and learning the Three Baskets of scripture and the Four Tantra Sets for an aeon.  If you always practice counting the six-syllable mantra and turning the Dharma Wheel, you have equal share with a thousand Buddhas.  By offering cloth wrappers to the Dharma texts, you will never lack clothing and shoes for 500 rebirths.  The merit of offering metal peg fasteners [to the texts] places you on the short path to heaven and liberation.  The merit of offering a gshog-rdo was preached to be the supreme merit, greater than reciting 1,100,000 secret mantras.  The merit of offering a golden rooftop pavilion grants perfect leisure for an aeon.  The merit of rendering it a service makes one [reborn] bright, intelligent and [belonging to a ] good family.

"The person who turns the Dharma Wheel will be son of a thousand Buddhas, will be lord of all animate beings.  Gods and men will bestow offerings.  Men, wealth and food will come under [that ones] power.  The benefits of turning a Wheel even for a moment stops all infectious diseases and epidemics.  It stops all delusionary spirits of the bad sorts, turns back all adversity of the bad sorts, overcomes the bad effects of filthy feuds and overcomes the troops of delusions and impediments.  The four Great Kings [protectors of the four directions] and the ten direction protectors guard [that person].  Hence the benefits are more than can be encompassed by human thought.

"The ultimate benefits of turning the Dharma Wheel are these.  It cleanses the karma and bad rebirths, the five automatically damning sins[15] and the ten nonvirtues.  One goes from Buddhafield to Buddhafield.  One takes birth from the calyx in the center of a lotus in the Buddhafield of Tuṣita, whereupon all the Buddhas of the ten directions immediately undertake extensive activities in the ten directions."  This was the tradition of Sgrib-pa-rnam-sel.

If it is erected above in the wind, those struck by the wind are guided out of low rebirths.  If erected below in fire, those struck by the smoke are guided out of low rebirths.  When it is revolved in water, those who drink or touch that water as well as the creatures living in it will be reborn in Tuita Buddhafield.  If the swirling mists on that water rise to strike the clouds, rain falls, and all beings will be guided out of low rebirths, as [the scripture] said.

Those who turn and hold in their hands the Maṇi Wheel will become Buddhas without a doubt.  If, at the moment of death, a wheel is placed at the crown of the head, it is not necessary to perform the transference of consciousness.[16]  One who circumambulates a place where there is a Maṇi Wheel will become Brahma, for whom everything appears to be beautiful.[?]

If you turn the Maṇi Wheel in haste, you will be reborn as a lunatic.  If you turn the Maṇi sideways, you will be reborn as a hunchback.  If you turn it upside down, you will be reborn crippled.

If they encounter other persons carrying a wheel in their hands, beings who have killed their parents will be liberated from the low rebirths.  If you turn a Maṇi on top of a bridge, the beings who see it will be liberated from low rebirths.  When a Maṇi Wheel is set up inside a house, that house becomes a divine mansion.  All who see, hear, think about or touch a Maṇi Wheel will be liberated from low rebirths and be reborn in the Buddhafield of Tuṣita, without a doubt.





The awe inspiring Buddha Endless Light,

to the right the holy Great Compassion,

to the left spiritual heroes who have great power

encircled by limitless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

In this Buddhafield known as Tuṣita

of amazingly unmeasurable contentment and joy

may I be reborn immediately

without any other rebirths intervening

and may I then behold Endless Light.


By this aspiration prayer I have made

I pray that all Buddhas and spiritual heroes of space

bless me to complete my practice without any obstacles.


Tadyathāḥ Pañca-indriya-avabodhani Svāhā.[17]


This aspiration prayer was personally pronounced by Buddha Endless Light in a vision of him and his audience which occurred to the thirteen year old tulku Mingyur Dorje[18] on the seventh day of the [fourth Tibetan] month Saga Dawa [the month of the Buddha's birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvāṇa] in the year known as Golden Hanging [1657?].

The true form of all the Buddhas' compassion, Sorrowful Eyes,[19] brings to a cease all painful sorrows of beings that sings in the ear-valley full of word-flowers.  The host of beneficial qualities for turning Wheels and so on of his heart ḍhāraṇī have been drawn from all the sûtras, tantras and precepts.  By the power of the virtue produced in endless Dharma giving may all beings be restored to the Buddhafield of Amitābha. 

The materials for this printing supplied by Zurkhang, it was newly published at the school-house of 'Bri-gung Lcang-ra (Willow Park of Drigung).


[1]Chos-kyi 'Khor-lo Rgyun Mi 'Chad-par Bskor-ba'i Rgyud.

[2]Yid-bzhin Nor-bu'i Rgyud.

[3]Mdo-sde Pad-dkar.

[4]Padma Cod-pan-can-gyi RgyudPadma-mukuṭa Tantra.  Toh. no. 701.

[5]Padma Dra-ba-can-gyi Rgyud.

[6]'Khor-lo'i Rnam-gzhag.

[7]Padma 'Phreng-ba-can.

[8]Chu-klung Chen-po Bskor-ba'i Mdo.

[9]'Khor-ba Dong Sprug-gi Rgyud.

[10]Rgyal-ba Dgongs 'Dus.

[11]Spyan-ras-gzigs-kyis 'Khor-lo 'Grub Rtags.

[12]Chos-kyi 'Khor-lo Bskor-ba.

[13]Byang-chub-rdo-rje is a name of the first Rdo-ba Grub-chen (1745-1821), so I suppose it could be him. But at present my best idea is that the person intended is Nyag-bla Byang-chub-rdo-rje of the 20th century, a teacher of Nam-mkha'i-rdo-rje (b. 1938)

[14]Chu-klung Chen-po'i Mdo. It seems likely this is an apocryphal scripture, present existence unknown.

[15]Mtshams-med lnga.  These five sins send one immediately ('without boundary', mtshams-med) to hell, at the moment of death.

[16]'Pho-ba, a special Vajrayāna technique in which the consciousness is consciously projected into higher realms at the point of death.  Certain lamas, called 'pho-'debs bla-ma, are believed to be able to perform this on behalf of other people.  Tantra is the 'fast Path' (myur Lam), and 'pho-ba is said to be the fastest technique of liberation known to tantra.

[17]This mantra may be translated, insofar as mantras can be translated, "This is so, O Awakened five senses."

[18]This seventeenth century revealer of hidden treasures was born in Kham province.  He was one of Tibet's most illustrious visionaries.  His visions began at age eleven and his visionary teachings included precepts on yoga, Mahāmudrā (Great Seal) and Great Perfection teachings, as well as visualization exercises, protective rites and prophecies that fill some eleven small volumes.  He was closely connected to his contemporary Karma-chags-med, also a visionary, who put some of the young man's visions into writing and made them widely known in Tibet, especially in Kham  (and most especially at Dpal-spungs Monastery near Derge).  He died very young, at the age of seventeen.  See Gu-ru Bkra-shis, Bstan-pa'i Snying-po, vol. 3, pp. 333-346.

[19]Sadāprarudita (Rtag-tu-ngu), a famous character in a story found in the various Prajñāpāramitā scriptures.  The Zur-khang named in the printing colophon indicates an aristocratic family in Lhasa that had its own printing press.  On the 'Bri-gung Lcang-ra printing place,  also known as Nyi-ma Lcang-rwa Dgon, see!rid=G2077.

Those who require the Tibetan text behind this translation are advised to visit TBRC, and in particular this page:!rid=W27609

For more on Tibetan texts about Prayer Wheels, see this Tibeto-logic blog page:

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