010) WhatsApp y mail (20.02/15 a 13.03.15)

NOTA: En este documento se recogen algunos comentarios (los más significativos), transmitidos vía Whatsapp y e-mail, intercambiados entre Sonia, J.Taylor y nosotros, en las fechas inmediatamente posteriores a nuestra visita a su casa en el Reino Unido. Creo que, con su lectura, no necesitan más comentario.

20/02/2015, 10:49 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Querida hija: Acabamos de aterrizar en Asturias, recoger el equipaje y ya estamos camino de Oviedo. Todo perfecto. ¿Cómo estáis vosotros? ¿Habéis descansado bien l? ¿Cómo pasaron la noche las nenas?

Un fuerte abrazo y muchos besos para todos.

20/02/2015, 10:52 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Queridos papa y mama, nos alegramos mucho d que hayais tenido un buen vuelo y ya esteis d camino a casa. Estamos en este momento desayunando con energias renovadas y listos para emprender viaje en una media hora. Las nenas imagino q aun durmiendo. Muchos besos

20/02/2015, 10:57 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Olvidamos que ahí hay una hora menos . Ya nos mandaras noticias.

Muchos besos.

20/02/2015, 13:52 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Hi dad it is John we are on our way back, could you please let us know how you got on in the dentist please.

Very big hug for both. Miss you!

20/02/2015, 14:29 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Hi John.

We are well and removing our bags.

I just came from the dentist and he told me that the

problem is not important. He assured me that it will be overcome in a few days. Be very careful on the journey for to arrive home safely.

We too miss you all.

A very big hug for you all.

20/02/2015, 14:45 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Love to hear great news. We will be careful and let you know when we get home. The babies are perfect. Very big hug

20/02/2015, 14:47 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Thank you very much.

A very big hug.

20/02/2015, 19:45 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Queridos papa y mama, acabamos d llegar a casa sanos y salvos, las nenas estan bien y el resto d los animales tambien. Descansad mucho. Muchos besos

20/02/2015, 20:03 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

En nombre de todos (incluidos rock, bax, mel y silver) os echamos de menos

20/02/2015, 20:03 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Nos alegramos muchísimo. Ahora a descansar sin tasa ni medida. Nosotros, que en este momento estamos de compras en Hipercor, estamos bien, aunque algo cansados. Trataremos de descansar hasta que la cama nos tolere y nos expulse.

Un fuerte abrazo y muchos besos para todos.

20/02/2015, 20:03 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Johnny dice q la casa esta very very sad and empty

20/02/2015, 20:03 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Cuidaros. Besos

20/02/2015, 20:09 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

También nosotros estamos un poco tristes, pero, en este momento, ya queda un día menos para el próximo 23 de marzo. Eso es lo que nos anima.

Muchos besos.

22/02/2015, 18:29 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Querida hija. ¿Cómo marchan las cosas por ahí? ¿Todo en orden? Por aquí sin novedad y recuperando un poco el cansancio. Mañana, lunes, ya estaremos en plena forma y con la actividad normal.

Mamá todavía tiene un poco de morriña (y yo también) pero estamos satisfechos de haber hecho el viaje. Me dice que le digas a John que no baje la guardia con la alimentación.

Un fuerte abrazo y muchos besos para todos.

22/02/2015, 19:11 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Queridos papa y mama, por aqui todo bien, las nenas estudiando como locas para acometer los examenes esta prox semana y Johnny y yo poniendo todo en orden. Os echamos mucho de menos y dile a mama que hoy he hecho pure de verduras y mantengo la alimention de todos a raya. Cuidaros mucho y muchos besos

22/02/2015, 19:57 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Nos alegramos mucho. Mamá te felicita por seguir con buenos hábitos alimenticios.

Les hemos enviado un whatsapp a cada una de las nenas para animarlas en el reinicio del curso.

Muchos besos para todos.

22/02/2015, 20:52 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Ok. Muchos besos

23/02/2015, 18:29 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Dear dad, how are things going? Here everything ok although we miss you two. We received Ire's report today and her marks are expectacular, we could not be prouder.

Lys is doing very well and she attended to bios club today although she did Not have any lunch. Very big hug for both

23/02/2015, 19:25 - codiazfer: (WhatsApp enviado con esta fecha. –sic-)

Dear John.

At this time we all are good here, although also we miss you all.

We are very glad by the excellent academic results of Ire and we are also very proud of she.

We are also very proud by the positive change of Lys. We are completely insurances that she will make every effort to achive their goals. All we have to help her and encourage her to do so.

A very big hug for all you.

23/02/2015, 19:41 - Alicia (GB): (WhatsApp recibido con esta fecha. –sic-)

Thanks for your lovely words. Very big hug





Sonia Taylor (johnysonitaylor@gmail.com)

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015 19:43:23

Constantino Díaz Fernández (codiazfer@hotmail.com)

Hi Dad and Mum,

sorry its taken so long for me to write but i have been so busy, and I was to express my feelings about meeting you


i want to tell you what a pleasure it was to meet you ,you looked so healthy and relaxed when i first saw you, and, i really enjoyed talking with you, and, for 25 years i have missed having a mum who was just like you, always telling me off but for my own betterment and i loved hearing you laugh and you are everything i expected, kind, thoughtful, and, a real mum. God bless you


firstly i was extremely honoured to meet you for the first time and loved every minute we spent together as a family, i felt we had an instant closeness, i admire your knowledge of politics and other subjects and loved listening to you teaching the girls, also, your in depth conversations with Soni,

I can honestly say you made a great impression on me and i am looking forward to extracting a lot of your knowledge from you, i must say you and mum gave me a new look about my life, and, not only Soni and my 4 girls need me, but, i think you and mum, genuinely care for me as real parents, and, the thoughts i have now is that, although i loved both my parents unconditionally, God has blessed me by bringing both of you into my life and for that i thank you with all of my heart love.

your only son


Very big hug and lots of kisses

I have to tell you that Soni went to the doctor and she has been sent to Chron's department, which is where she should be, but, meanwhile we receive the appointment I will take care of her

Soni is trying to make arragements with the Vicar to put our wedding half an hour earlier, but she still has nothing in concreta.





viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015 11:53:26

John Taylor (johnysonitaylor@gmail.com)

Dear John.

We both, Mum and I, want to thank you for your kind words about us, and tell you that we are also very pleased to have traveled to the UK for to meet you before your trip to Oviedo. You can be sure that we also have a high opinion of you as a person, as a husband and as father, and that, since that time, we have welcomed you to our family, now only one, like a true son. We do not doubt that our relationships, as a family, will be excellent.

In another vein, we want to say that we have been in the "llagar", where will be celebrated the "espicha", and has already been finalized everything details. Just need that, with a week's notice, we can tell the number of guests and what time you want to start.

Also, yesterday I went to visit the vicar of the parish of Santa Eulalia, where you have planned to hold the wedding, and he told me that there is no problem to change the time of this act. From 10 am is ready at any time. I think that, about this, we need to talk as soon as possible.

How would be pretty long to write about the above two points, I propose, whenever possible for you, that you make us a phone call so that we can do more concretions. We will stay home in the afternoon of saturday, and all day of sunday.

We would like to be informed about the process of Crohn of Sonia and we highly recommend be very careful. It is a very important issue that needs continuous attention.

A big hug for all of you




Sonia Taylor (johnysonitaylor@gmail.com) Este remitente está en tu lista de contactos.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015 18:56:55


Dear mum and dad,

BIG THANKS for your words, you are absolutely true parents for me as well, and you do not know how grateful I am for having you in my life

In relation to our wedding, I am so pleased about all your involvement, without it, it would not have been possible, so thanks again

It is really fantastic that you had the opportunity to meet our Vicar, so, would it be possible for you to arrange the wedding at 12:00 for us please as we think it would be more convenient Espicha's wise

By the middle of next week we will have the exact number of people for our espicha, so we will let you know

We will try to give you a call on Sunday morning is that is ok, if you like we can have a chat you and me about any piece of news you could previously have choosen , I hope you are getting well with Vaughan tv, in any case soon I will be there and we will have time to catch up our chats

About my beautiful wife just to let you know that I will be on the top of her making sure everything is ok, and OF COURSE I will be in charge to call you with every piece of news about that particular subject

Please take care

Very big hug from your son,






viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015 19:45:14

John Taylor (johnysonitaylor@gmail.com)

Dear John.

Sounds good what you say, but I honestly think the wedding details have to be agreed directly by you and Sonia with the vicar. There are several points to define which should be treated personally by yourselves. In the Saturday morning we can talk about this. You can contact the vicar at the following numbers: 618 29 33 51 or 677 681 234 (Rev. D. José Quesada.- not speak English).

As for the “espich” is right that in half of next week we can know attendance data.

On the subject of English, I really have had little time available to hear Vaughan programs, tv. In the hours that emit the most interesting programs, for now, I have been able to attend a few.

We liked the trip that are planning for Irene. It is great. It is normal that she to be happy.

Take care of yourselves much all. A big hug for everyone.




Sonia Taylor (johnysonitaylor@gmail.com) Este remitente está en tu lista de contactos.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015 20:01:03

Constantino Díaz Fernández (codiazfer@hotmail.com)

Perfect dad, we will be in charge of that, and remember, sure I got it mixed up, that we will call you on Sunday morning, because tomorrow we are really busy with the Spanish classes and shopping

Very big hug
