HL-2270 Toner and Drum Reset
Post date: Jan 16, 2017 3:02:19 PM
Drum Reset
1. Open the front door of printer where you change the toner and drum
2. Press and hold the GO button until ALL lights come on
3. Release the GO button
4. Close the front door of the printer
5. Your drum has been reset and the Ready light should be on
Toner Reset
1. Open the front cover and leave open while completing the following steps.
2. Turn the printer off.
3. Hold the ‘go’ button (or “start’ button) while turning the printer on. All panel lights should be on.
4. Release the ‘go’ button (or “start’ button).
5. Press the ‘go’ button (or “start’ button) 2 times.
6. Pause. All panel lights should be on.
7. Press the ‘go’ button (or “start’ button) 5 times.
8. The toner light should be off (the error light may be flashing. The paper light should be on or flashing.)
9. Close the cover. The ready light should be the only light on.