Intro to C Programming


This page contains Introduction to C Programming course material and resources. Below are links to both a sample syllabus and a schedule of activities. Click each link to view:This page contains resources for ECT 128, Introduction to C P

This course employs physical computing to teach basic C Programming concepts and skills. Throughout this course are references to LEGO Mindstorms and the Arduino programmable controller. We will utilize each to further our understanding of physical computing and C Programming.

Lecture Presentations:

Lecture 1: Intro to Programming
Lecture 2: Your First Program
Lecture 3: Program timing...itespace & reserved words
Lecture 4: Getting all touchy feely with our robot

Coming soon:

  • Lecture 5: Introduction to the Arduino
  • Lecture 6: Arduino to Computer Communications
  • Lecture 7: Arduino Input Devices, If then else and counting