Final Project Presentation
In class:
- Demonstrate the creation of Scenes in Google SketchUp
- Discuss and answer any questions regarding the geometric modeling final project
The final project for this course is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge of the course concepts presented and also to explore specific tools of personal/professional interest.
Potential Projects:
- Business plan
- Financial plan
- Building construction plan
- Research project
- Farm survey
We brainstorm, in small groups, additional projects during class.
This final project is a multi-week assignment and is worth 300 points. This is a significant portion of the students grade and I have listed several tips below to ensure your success.
Tips for Success:
- Select a topic that is of true personal interest
- Identify your project immediately
- Receive approval from your instructor during the first week
- Note all requirements given to you by the instructor
- Begin work in the project immediately
- Take notes while you work to assist with the final write up and presentation
- Give the assignment the proper time it deserves (As a guide, consider a 3 hour course with 6-9 hours of homework and 3 weeks remaining)
- Ensure proper grammar and spelling (I recommend you have someone else read all your work or visit the writing center on campus)
- Review the past lecture pages that relate to your topic
- Follow the criteria below closely and use it as a checklist for your work
Each project will require, at minimum, a use of three of the following data management software packages. Two of the packages are required for EVERY final project presentation.
Electronic Presentation (required) – (100 points: see bullets below for breakdown)
- Any electronic presentation package may be used but the final file must be submitted in .ppt or .pptx format
- Content (each bullet is the title for a required slide)
- Title Slide (5 points)
- Title of project
- Student name
- Course Name
- Date of presentation
- Includes Ivy Tech logo (download here)
- Project Description (5 points)
- Provide a short paragraph that describes the project (no bullets)
- Project Images (10 points)
- Include slides that display your project in graphical form
- You may use more than a single slide
- Include a title for each slide describing the contents
- Discuss each image as you present
- Selection Criteria (10 points)
- Bullet that explains why you chose the project
- Bullet that explains why the project is important to you
- Concepts Learned (10 points)
- Bullets that list current known competencies
- Bullets that list new competencies
- Challenges (10 points)
- Bullets that describe the challenges encountered while completing the final project
- Conclusion (10 points)
- Bullets that Include relevant and professional thoughts you have about the final project and the content
- Title Slide (5 points)
- Presentation specifications (20 points)
- Create a new theme for the document (DO NOT USE A TEMPLATE)
- The theme should be simple and follow all design rules discussed previously
- Match the them color with the Ivy Tech logo provided above
- Ensure the proper use of white space and alignment
- Presentation (20 points)
- 5 minutes ± 30 seconds
- Presentations made the last day of class
- DO NOT READ THE PRESENTATION TO THE CLASS, but rather use the slides to guide your thoughts
Word-processing report (required) – (100 points: see bullets below for breakdown)
- Any word-processing package may be used but the final file must be submitted in .doc or .docx format\
- Document specifications (20 points)
- 1" margins
- All titles: Arial, bold, 12 points
- All body text: Time New Roman, 12 points
- Content – the word-processing document will provide the information from the electronic presentation in written (narrative) form, that is free of spelling and grammatical errors, using the following paragraphs that parallel the presentation (20 points)
- Title Page (10 points)
- All text Arial, bold 18 point
- Centered vertically and horizontally on page
- Double space between lines
- Lines to include
- Project title
- Course name
- Student name
- Instructor name (Dr. Steven B. Combs)
- Date of submission
- Project Description (10 points)
- Provide a one or two paragraphs that describes the project
- Selection Criteria (10 points)
- Discuss why the project was selected and why you have interest in the topic and the tasks
- Concepts Learned (10 points)
- Discuss the previous and new competencies learned while completing the project
- Challenges (10 points)
- Discuss the challenges encountered while completing the final project
- Conclusion (10 points)
- Discuss relevant and professional thoughts you have about the final project and the content
- Critique the assignment and provide feedback to the instructor on ways to improve the assignment for future students
- Title Page (10 points)
NOTE: Each student is required to prepare an electronic presentation and a word-processing report as described above. An additional 100 points will be awarded from the three options below based on the student’s project selection. Student should one or two additional competencies to include. During this week’s online discussion, the instructor will specifically state how he will award the final 100 points.
Spreadsheet (project dependent) - (50 to 100 points)
- Requirements based on individual projects
- Submission format is .xls or .xlsx
GIS (project dependent) – (50 to 100 points)
- Requirements based on individual projects
- Submission format is .kmz or .kml
Geometric Modeling (project dependent) - (50 to 100 points)
- Requirements based on individual projects
- Submission format is .skp
Due Date: All electronic materials are due to the evening before (11:55pm) the final presentation. See the Course Schedule for specific date.
This week's online session will be spent in an online discussion:
- Visit the Final Project Discussion thread in the course management system
- Using the directions provided, post your comments regarding the final project (10 points)
- Your instructor will post a reply with the specific documents required for your project