W10: Electronic Visual Communications

Welcome to TECH 120. This is a 3 credit hour course and meets for 2 hours and 50 minutes weekly. The syllabus describes the course:

Students in this course will engage in critical analysis of real-world problems and global challenges. They will demonstrate the ability to recognize opportunity and to take initiative in developing solutions applying the principles of human-centered design. Students will be able to communicate effectively and to work well on teams. Problems and solutions will be examined from societal, cultural, and ethical perspectives.

View the entire syllabus at: http://bit.ly/design-thinking-syllabus

View the course schedule at: http://bit.ly/design-thinking-course-schedule



The objectives of this session are to :

  • collaboration in the virtual learning environment (overview)
  • present group projects
  • review Kickstarter sites
  • discuss the use of Google Sites to document processes and share information
  • understand and use peer evaluations

Design process review

In this section, we focus on the COMMUNICATION phase of the Design Process (see image below)

Collaboration in the virtual environment

We take some time to talk about what worked last week, what didn't, and how we can be even more effective in this new learning environment.

Project two initial presentations

  • Students have 20 minutes at the beginning of class to practice/prepare for their in-class presentations (be sure to review rubric!)
  • Each team will have four minutes to present (each team member should participate for approximately the same amount of time)
  • Those not presenting will close all devices, use their notebooks to capture questions/notes, and listen attentively
  • After each presentation, the instructor will facilitate a critique of the presentation and the design:


    • Students will be respectful
    • Comments will be constructive
    • Students being critiqued will capture critique in their notebooks
    • Students being critiqued will answer questions non-defensively and encourage continued discussion to improve their presentation and/or design
    • The instructor will use the following questions to guide the critique:


      • What did you like about the presentations?
      • How could the presentation have been more effective?

Electronic Presentation:

      • What were the highlights of the electronic presentation?
      • What design changes could be made to the electronic presentation?


      • Did the design meet the grand global challenge?
      • What are the unique features of the design?


      • How did the prototype assist in the presentation?
      • What are the unique features of the prototype?



Kickstarter Sites Review

Kickstarter has become one of the most popular sites for entrepreneurs crowd fund and launch new products and services. Kickstarter also provides a Creator Handbook. This handbook is not a comprehensive source for crowd funding a project but a primer on the process to share and communicate your idea using the Kickstarter platform. We review a couple of popular pages:

In your groups watch the videos (you may need to watch individually and reconvene), research, and brainstorm the following questions:

  • How would you summarize the project?
  • What is the current ask?
  • What are the rewards?
  • What is the product cost?
  • When will the product be available?
  • What is the market for the product?
  • What would your teams do differently?

When completed, each group will provide answer to the questions. Each member of the group will speak.



Use electronic media to document group progress (Google Sites)

This week, groups will create a project website using Google Sites. View the site template using the link below:

Template for final project website

Students will create a web site that incorporates all pages found in the template and includes:

    • Home page - informational and quick snap shot page that includes all the elements of the template (50 points)
    • FAQs - includes a ten question FAQ regarding the design of the project (50 points)
    • References - includes a minimum of 10 APA references sources used during the research and creation of this project (50 points)
    • Project Updates - includes weekly updates beginning from week 9 till week 15. Update includes narrative of the week's work along with at least one image (50 points)
    • Promotion - includes a marketing plan for the roll out of the project to the consumer (50 points)
    • Funding - includes information regarding the cost to manufacture, cost to the consumer and cost to the backer as well as rewards received (50 points)
    • Prototype - includes a rough set of working drawings, a video demonstration storyboard and a video that demonstrates the prototype (50 points)
    • Project Management - provides the Gantt chart used to manage the final project (50 points)

Each page will contain a paragraph describing what readers will find on the page. Points are values that will be assigned when graded as part of the final project submission.

Peer Review

  • What are peer reviews?
  • Why are they important?
  • Why are they so difficult?
  • The peer review for this week is simple, but challenging. You are required to 'rank order' your group members' participation and contribution (including yourself)
  • Details are located in the online peer evaluation form.

Comprehensive Assessment of Team-Member Effectiveness (CATME)

  1. Contributing to the Team’s Work
  2. Interacting with Teammates
  3. Keeping the Team on Track
  4. Expecting Quality
  5. Having Relevant KSAs
  6. (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities)
Peer Evaluation - CATME. (2020). Retrieved 29 March 2020, from https://info.catme.org/catme-tools/peer-evaluation/


See Course Schedule at: http://bit.ly/design-thinking-course-schedule.

  1. W09: (from last week) Individual - Control a servo motor using an Arduino (100 points)
    • Complete the tutorial found at this link.
    • Submit a short (20 seconds or less) video video that shows an operational project (80 points)
    • Submit the Arduino program file (20 points)
    • Review the rubric provided before submission
    • You have two weeks to complete this project
    • NOTE: This tutorial uses the desktop version of the Arduino IDE. The IDE is only available on Macs, PCs, and Linux. If you use a Chromebook, or have issues installing the desktop version, use the online version of the IDE.
  2. W10: Individual – Peer Review Experience (50 points participation only)
    • Use the this link (online peer evaluation form) to complete the course peer evaluation
    • This is exercise is experiential only; your individual grade is not affected by the evaluation from your peers
    • Complete the peer evaluation correctly to receive the maximum number of points
  3. W10: Group - Google Sites shell for final projects (100 points)
    • The group creates a Google Site shell following the course template - (20 points)
    • The page includes the following pages:
      • Home page - informational and quick snap shot page that includes all the elements of the template (10 points)
      • FAQs - includes a ten question FAQ regarding the design of the project (10 points)
      • References - includes a minimum of 10 APA references sources used during the research and creation of this project (10 points)
      • Project Updates - includes weekly updates beginning from week 9 till week 15. Update includes narrative of the week's work along with at least one image (10 points)
      • Promotion - includes a marketing plan for the roll out of the project to the consumer (10 points)
      • Funding - includes information regarding the cost to manufacture, cost to the consumer and cost to the backer as well as rewards received (10 points)
      • Prototype - includes a rough set of working drawings, a video demonstration storyboard and a video that demonstrates the prototype (10 points)
      • Project Management - provides the Gantt chart used to manage the final project (10 points)
    • Submit the link to website in the learning management system