Course Introduction

In class:

This week serves as an introductory session to the course and the hybrid format for instruction. It presents “standard content” for a first meeting for a college course and prepares the student for academic success.

  • Welcome
  • Student attendance sheet verification
  • Student introductions (name, employment, and hobby)
  • Syllabus review (updates via Google Docs)
    • Available online (print if you would like a hardcopy)
    • The after game highlights:
      • Office hours: by appointment
      • Textbook: None
      • Supplies: USB Drive and/or Dropbox account
      • Grading: 1000 points possible, standard grading scale applies
      • Late assignments are not accepted
      • No additional credit
      • Attend class regularly
      • No cheating or plagiarism
      • Mobile phone off
      • Computers off
      • No children in the classroom
      • Students will contact the instructor using the Blackboard Messages system
        • Select a course from the Blackboard main page
        • Click Tools | Communications from the left-hand menu
        • Select Messages on the Communications page
  • Course schedule review (updates via Google Docs)
    • Available online (print if you would like a hardcopy)
    • Highlights:
      • 16-week course with some in class and some online
      • Breakdown of in class and online sessions
      • Assignments listed with points possible
  • Safety discussion
  • Using Blackboard (the college’s course management system)
    • Faculty information
    • Syllabus and course schedule
    • Discussion boards
    • Assessments
    • Closed assignments
    • Gradebook
  • Using (the instructor’s personal web page)
    • Faculty information
    • Faculty information
    • Syllabus and course schedule
    • Lecture notes
    • Lecture presentations
    • Open assignments
    • Supplemental resources
  • Discussion: Why do we need to learn about information technology as it relates to agricultural data management?


The online portion of this hybrid course will familiarize students with the college’s course management system and allow the instructor to determine the level of student information technology knowledge.

  • Discussion: Our First Discussion (10 Points)
    • Log-in to Blackboard
    • Select the appropriate course
    • Select the Discussion button on the course left-hand menu
    • Read the instructions/rubric
    • Select the Our First Discussion link
    • Select the +Thread button to begin
  • Information technology proficiency survey (20 Points)
    • Log-in to Blackboard
    • Select the appropriate course
    • Select the Assessments button on the course left-hand menu
    • Select the Information Technology Pre-Test link
    • Read the instructions
    • Begin the survey