Design Thinking in Technology
Course Description:
Students in this course will engage in critical analysis of real-world problems and global challenges. They will demonstrate the ability to recognize opportunity and to take initiative in developing solutions applying the principles of human-centered design. Students will be able to communicate effectively and to work well on teams. Problems and solutions will be examined from societal, cultural, and ethical perspectives.
Course Information:
Course Images:
- Images from the Spring 2020 course will be found here.
- Images from the Fall 2018 course will be found here.
- Images from the Fall 2017 course can be found here.
- Images from the Fall 2016 course can be found here.
Quick Links to Useful Documents:
The documents below are created to assisted with course requirements. The instructor will guide you on their use.
Course Lecture Notes and Materials:
- Week 01: Course Introduction
- Week 02: System Thinking
- Week 03: Prototypes
- Week 04: Project One Presentations
- Week 05: Point of View
- Week 06: Problem Identification
- Week 07: Design and Ideation
- Week 08: Final Project Solution Determination
- Week 09: Visual Communications
- Week 10: Electronic Visual Communications
- Week 11: Infographics
- Week12: Prototype Refinement
- Week 13: Open Lab
- Week 14: Visual Prototype Gallery Walk and Feedback
- Week 15: Final Presentations!
This course meets in the Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AMCE), Room 140, on the Columbus, Indiana Airpark Campus.
Short Page URL: