2010 Pongal

2010 Pongal and Kolam (பொங்கல் விழாவும் கோலப் போட்டியும்)

Saturday, January 23, 2010, 5:30-9:30 PM

AVRH, Tallahassee, FL 32306

We celebrated the 2010 Pongal Vizha at Alumni Village Recreation Hall, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA on Saturday, January 23, 2010 between 5:30 and 9:30 PM. Like last year Mr Manoharan and Mrs Priya organized the event. This year we continued the tradition of doing in-door kolam drawings. First black plastic table cloth were affixed to the floor. Then women and children started to draw and paint the kolam with white and colored powders. Kolams were judged by three independent people and prizes awarded to first and second place finishes.

This year only five families participated (compared to eight last year) due to short notice we gave them. We couldn't inform people ahead of time since we were in India during the Christmas Holidays. Some of the kolams drawn during this year's event can be seen below.

2010 பொங்கல் விழாவும் கோலப் போட்டியும்.

This year in addition to the kolam we had a guest appearance by the family from Bali, Indonesia. They performed a Balinese dance.

Updated: Sunday, January 26, 2010 by TS.