Creevy Cave, 15 July 2010

Post date: Jul 21, 2010 8:19:23 PM

Alasdair Kennedy, Gaelan Elliffe, Dr. Marion Dowd, Dr. Sam Moore

Time underground: 2.5 hrs

Time spent at souterrain: 1.5 hrs

Having missed out on all the action at Creevy over the previous year with college work, when Al asked was anyone free for a midweek caving trip I jumped at the opportunity.

The plan was to bring Dr. Marion Dowd and Dr. Sam Moore both Archaeologists from Sligo. I.T. to examine the different archaeological sites of interest in the cave.

We met in Quinn’s superstore for breakfast and travelled in convoy first stopping at Aphuca (also known as Fin Mac Cool’s cave shown below). Quite an impressive entrance to the cave, which is stepped in history. The platform in the photos was used as an alter in the penal times, and the cave was a known hide out during the 1600’s where a well publicised siege and massacre at Aphuca occurred (still talked about by locals to this day).

We then drove on to Creevy sink and had a chat with one of the farmers who was very obliging and offered to let us park in his yard. After kitting up the four of us walked across the field to the sink and entered the cave. Despite the initial shock and with some reassurance Marion and Sam made it through the 3 ducks with a big smile on their faces.

We then proceeded downstream to the spectacular ‘Hunters Island’ and spent some time looking at the souterrain and the ‘fireplace’ structure. Much discussion ensued hypothesising about the time period and the possible use or uses of the site throughout time.

After quite some time we continued through the well decorated passage as far as the ‘You Go First Choke’ where we Marion and Sam examined the sandstone mill wheel which most likely collapsed into the cave from the surface.

We then proceeded to make our way out the way we had come in, exiting through the fun and refreshing ducks once more.

Thanks to Al for letting me tag along, it was a thoroughly enjoyable short trip. As Steve Muh has said in a previous report, this cave has a good variety, with well decorated passages, very well preserved archaeological sites, and sporty ducks. I look forward to returning again to completing the through trip.


Aphuca Cave entrance (L to R: Al, Gaelan, Sam)

Aphuca Cave entrance (L to R: Marion, Gaelan, Sam)

Creevy Cave sink - before!

Creevy Cave sink - after!