Carrickbeg Rising Cave, 27 March 2010

Post date: Mar 15, 2010 1:53:15 PM

Cavers: Stephen Macnamara, Artur Kozłowski. 2 hours.

Arriving late on Saturday night to find the others huddled around the Aghnahoo fire, I left with Artur to get into Carrickbeg for about 23:30. Plan was to investigate the reported choke movement that Artur had found on his last trip of 22 March.

Two football rocks had rolled from either side into the chamber just before the final squeeze of the choke, and a metre further a large boulder (2x microwave oven) had dropped by at least a foot from the ceiling. Unclear as to how this could suddenly have dropped and stopped - either someone touched it on a previous trip or a vehicle movement above had dislodged it. In any case it has created a 30cm suicidal squeeze between it and a rock on the stream floor. The lower rock will probably need to be capped to allow building of scaffolding to support the upper.

So Carrickbeg has decided it's not quite ready for us yet - a few more trips will be required.
