Keyhole Pot 08OCT2022

Jock, Bus and Muh – 5hrs

A quick trip to orientate ourselves and prospect the limestone country above Carrickbeg. We started by investigating what we thought was Keyhole pot which turned out to be the sinkholes noted as R12-R15 in COFA (agreed little prospects). We eventually found Keyhole after Bus nearly fell into it through the top of the grassed-over entrance rift. The cave is pretty much as described in COFA. A 3-meter free climbable rift leads to a keyhole squeeze into a wet 7meter pitch.

Rigging through the keyhole (or another slightly bigger squeeze below the keyhole is also possible) leads to a small chamber where a low crawl follows a small stream leading to a tight low rift visible with a ~10m continuation and a tantalising sound of water falling in the distance. This spot will be worth some quality time with plug and feathers. Many thanks to the original diggers for suggesting it and allowing us to pick up the baton.

We also had a nosey in Seltanacool sinks, Brennans rock sinks, Murphy’s hole and failed to find little Reyfad (possibly filled in). I suspect that it has been some time since cavers have been up this way but Keyhole pot is definitely worth some more time and effort given the potential.