Shannon Cave, 29 September 2008

Post date: Sep 30, 2008 3:16:14 PM

Tony Furnell, Stephen Macnamara. 7.5 hours.

Another chip away at the survey - Tony and I did more or less to the end of JCP Passage, from the previous finish point at the end of the second formation gallery. The next trip should be faster - just need to survey the boulder choke at the Pollnahune entrance and then it's into stomping streamway for the next couple of hunded metres. The two spanking new Suunto Tandems make the task a lot more pleasant!

I'm feeding data into Therion this week. Attached is a sneak preview of a PDF which just includes a bit of the new cave. The full survey will include elevations and cross sections.

It would be great to have the final survey with all the detail including side passages and surface topography complete, so that it can be presented at the symposium. Ambitious I know, but it could be done if we get two groups this weekend and also next weekend. Please please offer your help and answer Les's email!
