Berth Operation Simulation

Program Listing:

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import sysimport codecsimport jsonimport randomimport simpy# Simulation Configurationclass CONFIGURATION(): # Defaults def __init__(self): self.params = { 'PT_MEAN': 50, # Service Average Time (Minutes) 'PT_SIGMA': 8, # Service Time Standard Deviation (Minutes) 'MTTF': 240, # Mean time to failure in minutes 'REPAIR_TEAM': 2, # Number of Repair Teams 'REPAIR_TIME': 30, # Repair Time (Minutes) 'SUPPORT_DURATION': 12, # Duration of Support Jobs (Minutes) 'NUM_BERTHS': 10, # Number of Berths 'WEEKS': 4 # Simulation Time (Weeks) } self.__derived__() # Derived Parameters def __derived__(self): # self.params['RANDOM_SEED'] = random.randint(20, 80) # Param. for expovariate distribution self.params['BREAK_MEAN'] = 1 / self.params['MTTF'] # Simulation time in minutes self.params['SIM_TIME'] = self.params['WEEKS'] * 7 * 24 * 60 # Read External Configuration File (JSON) def loadFromFile(self, sim_configFile): with, 'r', encoding='utf8') as jsonF: self.params = json.load(jsonF) self.__derived__() # Get Parameter Value by Name def getConfig(self, paramName): return self.params[paramName] # Define Ship Servicing Time def time_per_ship(self, vesselType=1): vesselTypeWeight = 1 / vesselType return random.normalvariate( vesselTypeWeight * self.params['PT_MEAN'], vesselTypeWeight * self.params['PT_SIGMA']) # Define Berth Survival Time def time_to_failure(self): return random.expovariate(self.params['BREAK_MEAN']) # Berth Operationclass Berth(object): # Instantiate def __init__(self, env, sim_config, name, repairTeam): self.env = env self.sim_config = sim_config = name self.ships_served = {} self.berth_repaired = {} self.broken = False # Initiate Berth Operation Simulation self.process = env.process(self.servicing(repairTeam)) # Initiate Berth Repair Simulation self.env.process(self.break_berth()) # Service Ship Berth Operation def servicing(self, repairTeam): while True: # Dynamic Vessel Type vesselType = random.randint(1, self.sim_config.getConfig('VESSEL_TYPE')) # Ship Arrive to Berth done_in = self.sim_config.time_per_ship(vesselType) while done_in: try: # Service Start Time start = yield self.env.timeout(done_in) done_in = 0 except simpy.Interrupt: self.broken = True # Calculate the Remaining Servicing Time done_in -= - start # Request Berth Repair with High Priority with repairTeam.request(priority=1) as req: yield req # Wait for Repair Job Done yield self.env.timeout(self.sim_config.getConfig('REPAIR_TIME')) self.broken = False # Ship Completes Berth Operation if str(vesselType) in self.ships_served: self.ships_served[str(vesselType)] += 1 else: self.ships_served[str(vesselType)] = 1 # Berth Maintenance def break_berth(self): while True: # Awaiting Berth Broke _now_ = # When Berth Broke if in self.berth_repaired: self.berth_repaired[].append(_now_) else: self.berth_repaired[] = [_now_] yield self.env.timeout(self.sim_config.time_to_failure()) # Busy Berth if not self.broken: # Stop Berth Operation Servicing self.process.interrupt() # Ship Other Service Requestsdef support_jobs(env, sim_config, repairTeam): while True: # Ship Arrive to Berth done_in = sim_config.getConfig('SUPPORT_DURATION') while done_in: # Request Support Job with Low Priority with repairTeam.request(priority=2) as req: yield req try: # Support Job Start Time start = yield env.timeout(done_in) done_in = 0 except simpy.Interrupt: # Calculate the Remaining Support Job Time done_in -= - start # Berth Service/Repair Analysisdef service_statistics(sim_config, berths): print('Berth Operation: %s W (%d)' % ( sim_config.getConfig('WEEKS'), sim_config.getConfig('RANDOM_SEED'))) ship_type_served = {} for vesselType in range(sim_config.getConfig('VESSEL_TYPE')): ship_type_served[str(vesselType + 1)] = 0 # Berth Service Statistics for berth in berths: print('%s:' % ( print(' Vessel Type:', end='\t') total_ship_served = 0 for vesselType in range(sim_config.getConfig('VESSEL_TYPE')): total_ship_served += berth.ships_served[str(vesselType + 1)] ship_type_served[str(vesselType + 1)] += berth.ships_served[str(vesselType + 1)] print('%6d' % (berth.ships_served[str(vesselType + 1)]), end='\t') print('%-6d' % total_ship_served) print(' Repair Time:') count = -1 for repair in berth.berth_repaired[]: print('\t\t%6d' % repair, end='\t') count += 1 if count % 3 == 2: print() print() # Vessel Type Served Statistics print('Vessel Type Statistics:', end='\t') ship_type_total_served = 0 for vesselType in range(sim_config.getConfig('VESSEL_TYPE')): ship_type_total_served += ship_type_served[str(vesselType + 1)] print('%6d' % (ship_type_served[str(vesselType + 1)]), end='\t') print('%6d' % ship_type_total_served) # Mainif __name__ == '__main__': # Configuration for Simulation sim_config = CONFIGURATION() # Giving Configuration File if len(sys.argv) > 0: sim_config.loadFromFile(sys.argv[1]) # Make the Result Changed Everytime random.seed(sim_config.getConfig('RANDOM_SEED')) # Simulation Initiation env = simpy.Environment() # Setup the Berth Repair Teams as Resource repairTeam = simpy.PreemptiveResource( env, capacity=sim_config.getConfig('REPAIR_TEAM')) # Setup the Berth Operation Consuming the Resource berths = [Berth(env, sim_config, 'Berth %d' % i, repairTeam) for i in range(sim_config.getConfig('NUM_BERTHS'))] # Setup the Berth Support Operation Consuming the Resource env.process(support_jobs(env, sim_config, repairTeam)) # Simulation Begin'SIM_TIME')) # Berth Service/Repair Analyis service_statistics(sim_config, berths)


Berth 9: Vessel Type: 91 89 76 89 345 Repair Time: 0 786 1219 2104 2556 2634 2861 3181 3611 3629 3670 3846 4157 5179 5351 5972 6258 6303 6427 6734 6741 7011 7474 7795 8414 8480 8797 8912 9165 9345 9521 9753 10050 Vessel Type Statistics: 877 872 850 923 3522


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{ "VESSEL_TYPE": 4, "PT_MEAN": 50, "PT_SIGMA": 10, "MTTF": 300, "REPAIR_TIME": 30, "SUPPORT_DURATION": 10, "NUM_BERTHS": 10, "REPAIR_TEAM": 3, "WEEKS": 1 }