CMD commands


Useful CMD commands for Windows

shutdown -s -t 60      [Shutdown Command-1 minute]

shutdown -s -t          [instant Shoutdown]

shutdown /s /t 60

shutdown -r -t 60      [Restart Command-1 minute]

shutdown -r -t           [instant Restart]

shutdown -l -t            [Logoff]

shutdown /a               --- cancle ALL

shutdown -i

shutdown -r -f -m \\machine name or IP

shutdown –m \\worklaptop –c “The computer will restart, please save all work.” –t 60

Delete a Partition on a USB Drive in Windows 10

Step 1. Press Windows  + R simultaneously, type cmd, click "OK" to open an elevated command prompt.

Step 2. Type diskpart and hit enter.

Step 3. Type list disk. Soon diskpart will list all the hard drives on your computer, including your USB flash drive that is connecting with the computer. Assuming that your USB flash drive is drive G:.

Step 4. Type select disk G and hit enter.

Step 5. If there are one more partitions on the flash drive and you wish to delete some of them, now type list partition and hit enter. There should list all the partitions, numbered as 0, 1, 2...

            > detail disk

           > clean

           >  create partition primary

            >  format fs=ntfs quick

Delete Temp Files del /q/f/s %TEMP%\*
