
RainLoop Webmail – A Modern Fast Web Based Email Client for Linux

yum -y install php php-mysql php-xml pcre php-common curl unzip

yum -y update php

yum -y install php php-mbstring php-pear

yum -y update php*

Install Rainloop

# mkdir /var/www/html/rainloop

# cd /var/www/html/rainloop

# curl -s http://repository.rainloop.net/installer.php | php

# find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

# find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

# chown -R apache:apache .

Create a configuration file for Apache.

# vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/20-rainloop.conf          [ Add this Line]


Alias /mail /var/www/html/rainloop

<Directory /var/www/html/rainloop>

    Options -Indexes

    AllowOverride All


<Directory /var/www/html/rainloop/data>

    Order Deny,Allow

    Deny from All



ROOT access

# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Line 990    NameVirtualHost


  ServerAdmin webmaster@worldcm.net

  DocumentRoot /var/www/html/rainloop

  ServerName mail.worldcm.net



[root@server ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>    Servername mail.worldcm.net    RedirectTemp /index.html https://mail.worldcm.net:20000/    RedirectPermanent /welcomepage https://mail.worldcm.net:20000/ </VirtualHost>

#  service httpd reload

#  service httpd restart

Upload file size in  webmail: 

# vi /etc/php.ini 

memory_limit = 512M; upload_max_filesize = 50M; post_max_size = 80M;

date.timezone = Asia/Dhaka

Passwd Config

yum -y install xinetd

rpm -ivh poppassd-1.8.5-lux.4.x86_64.rpm

Enable Contacts

The contacts feature needs database support. We will be using MySQL for enabling contacts. The database required by RainLoop can be created manually as follows.

# mysql -u root -p

mysql> create database rainloop;

mysql> exit;

[root@www ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

Starting httpd:     [ OK ]

[root@www ~]# chkconfig httpd on

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart


Restart or Reload Apache

#  service httpd reload

#  service httpd restart

Configure RainLoop via Admin Interface

There are two ways to configure the RainLoop application – using admin panel, or by modifying ‘application.ini‘ file manually from the terminal. But, most of the basic options are configured via web interface, and that should suffix in most cases. To access admin panel, use the following default login credentials.

Logon to the admin control panel with default credentials. http://yourdmain.com/webmail/

admin user: admin

pass: 12345

Among the settings on the add Domains page, use for both with standard ports. Also ensure that there is an [x] for use short login forms and use authentication


RainLoop is a free webmail application based on PHP, it’s free and open source, has modern user interface to handle large number of email accounts without the need of any database connectivity, besides non database connectivity it holds both SMTP and IMAP protocols to easily send/receive emails without any trouble.

RainLoop Key Features

Requirement of RainLoop

In order to install RainLoop application we require:

RainLoop Demo and Preview

Preview: RainLoop Webmail

Testing Environment

Installation of RainLoop Webmail in Linux

As I mentioned earlier, that RainLoop Webmail is developed in PHP for Linux with Apache. So, you must have a running Web server with PHP installed on the system along with PHP modules such as cURL, ibxml, dom, openssl, DateTime, PCRE, etc. To install these all required packages, you can use package manager tool called yum or apt-get according to your Linux distribution.

Step 1: Install Apache, PHP and MySQL

Install on Red Hat/CentOS based systems using yum command.

# yum install httpd

# yum install mysql mysql-server

# yum install php php-mysql php-xml pcre php-common curl

# service httpd start

# service mysqld start

Install on Debian based systems using apt-get command.

# apt-get install apache2

# apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

# apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql libmysqlclient15-dev php5-mysql curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-json

# service apache2 start

# service mysql start

Step 2: Download and Install RainLoop Webmail

Now go the official RainLoop site and download the latest source tarball (i.e version using below link.

Alternatively, you may also use following ‘wget‘ command to download the latest source package and extract it to a Apache web root directory. For example, ‘/var/www/rainloop‘ or ‘/var/www/html/rainloop‘.

On Red Hat/CentOS based Systems

# mkdir /var/www/html/rainloop       

# cd /var/www/html/rainloop

# wget http://repository.rainloop.net/v1/rainloop-

# unzip rainloop-

# rm rainloop-*.zip

On Debian based Systems

# mkdir /var/www/rainloop            

# cd /var/www/webmail

# wget http://repository.rainloop.net/v1/rainloop-

# unzip rainloop-

# rm rainloop-*.zip

Note: You can also download the latest version of RainLoop application without a need to deal with zip archive, just use the following command in your terminal.

# curl -s http://repository.rainloop.net/installer.php | php

Step 3: Configure Permissions

After, extracting the package content, be sure to set correct permissions for the files and directories before installing the product. This is necessary to have running application with its default configuration. This is also mandatory, when dealing manual upgrade or restoring from backup. Please switch to application directory i.e. ‘/var/www/rainloop‘ or ‘/var/www/html/rainloop‘ and execute following commands thereon.

# find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

# find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

Now, set owner for the application recursively.

# chown -R www-data:www-data .


# chown -R apache:apache .