SQL Command

MariaDB Administration Commands


To check the current version of your DB installation, type following command in your terminal

$ mysql –version

This command provide you with the current version of DB. Alternatively you can also run below mentioned command for detailed view on version,

$ mysqladmin –u root –p version


To log into the mariadb server,  run

$ mysql –u root –p

& then enter password to login to the session.


To show all the databases that your maridb currently has, run

$ show databases;

after you are logged into mariadb.


To create a new database in mariadb, run

$ create database dan;

when logged into mariabdb. To create a database directly from terminal, run

$ mysqladmin -u user -p create dan

Here, dan is the name of the new database.


To delete a database, run

$ drop database dan;

from the logged in session of mariadb. Alternatively you can also use,

$ mysqladmin –u root –p drop dan

Note:- If you are getting an ‘access denied’ error while running the mysqladmin commands, that might be because we have not given rights to root. To do so, run the command mentioned in point 7, replacing name of the user with root.


To create a new user for database, run

$ CREATE USER ‘dan’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;


For providing access to user for a single database, run

$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* to ‘dan’@’localhost’;

This will provide user dan complete access over database named test. We can also grant SELECT, INSERT , DELETE permissions to user.

To provide access to all database, replace test with * i.e.

$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to ‘dan’@’localhost’;


To create of a single database, run the following command from your terminal window,

$ mysqldump –u root –p database_name>db_backup.sql

To create backup of multiple databases in single command,

$ mysqldump –u root –p – – databases db1 db2 > db12_backup.sql

To create dump of all databases in single command,

$ mysqldump –u root –p – – all-databases >all_dbs.sql


To restore database from a dump, run

$ mysql –u root –p database_name<db_backup.sql

But this command will work only when there is no previous database by the same name. if you want to restore database data to any already created database, we need to use ‘mysqlimport ’ command,

$ mysqlimport –u root –p database_name<db_backup.sql


We are going to change password of ‘root’ for this example but you can use the below process to change password of any user,

Login into mariadb& select ‘mysql’ database ,

$ mysql –u root –p

$ use mysql;

& then run the following ,

$ update user set password=PASSWORD(‘your_new_password_here’) where User=’root’;

Next, reload the privileges,

$ flush privileges;

& then exit the session.
