
Cockpit On CentOS 7

yum install cockpit -y

Start Cockpit daemon using command:

systemctl start cockpit

To start Cockpit automatically on every reboot, run:

systemctl enable cockpit.socket

Add Cockpit to the list of trusted services in firewallD.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=cockpit

Restart firewallD to take effect the changes.

firewall-cmd --reload

[root@ ~]# systemctl daemon-reload

[root@ ~]# systemctl restart cockpit

Web Interface

The Cockpit web interface can be accessed by using the server's ip address with port 9090


Cockpit on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8 System

[root@ ~]# dnf install cockpit -y

[root@ ~]# systemctl start cockpit.socket [root@ ~]# systemctl enable cockpit.socket

Allow Cockpit ports in OS firewall using following command,

[root@ ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=cockpit [root@ ~]# firewall-cmd --reload

Verify whether cockpit service is up and running or not, execute the following commands,

[root@ ~]# systemctl status cockpit.socket [root@ ~]# ss -tunlp | grep cockpit [root@ ~]# ps auxf|grep cockpit