Disable LFD alert for a specific user in Linux


In this article, we are going to disable alert completely for a particular user on the server. This can be simply done by adding the user name in “csf.uidignore” file.

The steps pasted below will explain it deeply.

Step 1 : Log into server as root user.

Step 2 : Next, you need to findout the UID (User ID) of that user.

You can check the UID information from /etc/passwd file or from the CLI by using the command “id.”

grep -i username /etc/passwd


# grep -i nobody /etc/passwd nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin

id -u username


# id -u nobody 99

Step 3 : Open the CSF conf file “/etc/csf/csf.uidignore” with your favorite text editor.

Step 4 : Add the UID in that file.

Step 5 : Restart CSF and LFD.

csf -r

# /etc/init.d/lfd restart
