
dnf install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm

yum search htop

dnf install htop

sudo yum install htop

Want to see the tree view by default when running htop? Try:

htop -t

htop --tree

Let us see only processes of a given user named vivek:

htop -u vivek

htop --user=vivek

htop --user=nginx

Limit and show process for only the given PIDs:

htop -p PID

htop -p PID1,PID2

--pid=PID,[,PID,PID...] htop -p 1342

htop -p 7435,1367

# dnf install iftop

# iftop -i eth0

# sudo iftop -i wlp2s0

To disable hostname lookups, use the -n flag.

$ sudo iftop -n eth0

To turn on port display, use the -P switch.

$ sudo iftop -P eth0

install IPTraf

# sudo dnf install iptraf-ng

# iptraf-ng -i eth0

# iptraf-ng -i wlp4s0

# iptraf -i all
