

1. mkdir /var/www/

2. mkdir /var/www/

3. useradd <-username>

4. passwd <-username>

5. chown –R <-username> /var/www/

           chown –R u1 /var/www/

5. groupadd <-groupname>

6. gpasswd -a <-username> <-groupname>

7. chgrp -R <-groupname> /var/www/

            chgrp -R u1 /var/www/

8. chmod -R g+rw /var/www/

        chmod -R g+rw /var/www/

chmod -R 755 /var/www/

create FTP user with specific directory access

# vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf


# mkdir /var/ftp_home

]# useradd u1

]# passwd u1

Change ownership for the directory and set it up as it default home directory

]# chown u1:u1 /var/ftp_home

# usermod -d /var/ftp_home/ u1            # [target-directory username]

Change FTP users shells to  nologin if you want to only perform ftp operation. This makes user to unable to logon to server via ssh or telnet

# usermod -s /sbin/nologin u1

Configure Different FTP User Home Directories

12. Open the vsftpd configuration file again and start by commenting the unsecure option below:


Then create the alternative local root directory for the user (ravi, yours is probably different) and remove write permissions to all users to this directory:

# mkdir /home/ravi/ftp # chown nobody:nobody /home/ravi/ftp # chmod a-w /home/ravi/ftp

13. Next, create a directory under the local root where the user will store his/her files:

# mkdir /home/ravi/ftp/files # chown ravi:ravi  /home/ravi/ftp/files # chmod 0700 /home/ravi/ftp/files/

Then add/modify the following options in the vsftpd config file with these values:

user_sub_token=$USER         # inserts the username in the local root directory  local_root=/home/$USER/ftp   # defines any users local root directory

Save the file and close it. Once again, let’s restart the service with the new settings:

# systemctl restart vsftpd

14. Now do a final test again and see that the users local root directory is the FTP directory we created in his home directory.

# ftp Connected to  ( 220 Welcome to FTP service. Name ( : ravi 331 Please specify the password. Password: 230 Login successful. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> ls


Creating an FTP User

To test our FTP server we will create a new user.

