
Installation instructions

MailWatch for MailScanner is developed on Debian 7 & Ubuntu 12.04, so these docs will reflect this and I will make note on anything that will be required to run on other distro’s or operating systems.

Before you start

You must have a working MailScanner set-up and have running copies of MySQL, Apache, PHP (with MySQL and GD support) and for MailScanner to be able to use a database you need Perl DBI and DBD::mysql; you also need Perl Encoding::FixLatin to deal with email subjects that contain characters in more than one encoding.

Some PHP extensions and executable software are required to make MailWatch fully works:


Please use the mailing-list mailwatch-users on Sourceforge. Note that you will get faster support if you use the mailing-list.

Notes for PHP configuration

PHP should have the following set in php.ini (possibly others too….)

safe_mode = Offregister_globals = Offmagic_quotes_gpc = Offmagic_quotes_runtime = Offsession.auto_start = 0


All commands below should be run as the ‘root’.

Create the database

mysql < create.sql

NOTE: you will need to modify the above as necessary for your system if you have a root password for your MySQL database (recommended!).

Create a MySQL user and password & Set-up MailScanner for SQL logging

$ mysql

mysql> GRANT ALL ON mailscanner.* TO mailwatch@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';mysql> GRANT FILE ON *.* TO mailwatch@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

Edit and change the $db_user and $db_pass values accordingly and move to/usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions (this could be/opt/MailScanner/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions on non-RPM systems).

Create a MailWatch web user

mysql mailscanner -u mailwatch -p

Enter password: ******mysql> INSERT INTO users SET username = '<username>', password = MD5('<password>'), fullname = '<name>', type = 'A'

Install & Configure MailWatch

Set-up MailScanner

Stop MailScanner

service MailScanner stop

Next edit /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf - you need to make sure that the following options are set:

Always Looked Up Last = &MailWatchLogging Detailed Spam Report = yes Quarantine Whole Message = yes Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes Quarantine User = root Quarantine Group = apache (this should be the same group as your web server) Quarantine Permissions = 0660

Spam Actions and High Scoring Spam Actions should also have ‘store’ as one of the keywords if you want to quarantine items for learning/viewing in MailWatch.

If you want to use the integrate Blacklist/Whitelist (optional):

then edit the file and change the connection string in the CreateList subroutine to match

Copy to /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions and in MailScanner.conf set:

Is Definitely Not Spam = &SQLWhitelist Is Definitely Spam = &SQLBlacklist

Then edit and change the connection string in the CreateList subroutine to match

Move the Bayesian Databases and set-up permissions (skip this if you don’t use bayes).

Edit /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf and set:

bayes_path /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes bayes_file_mode 0660

Create the ‘new’ bayes directory, make the directory owned by the same group as the web server user and make the directory setgid:

mkdir /etc/MailScanner/bayes chown root:apache /etc/MailScanner/bayes chmod g+rws /etc/MailScanner/bayes

Copy the existing bayes databases and set the permissions:

cp /root/.spamassassin/bayes_* /etc/MailScanner/bayes chown root:apache /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes_* chmod g+rw /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes_*

Test SpamAssassin to make sure that it is using the new databases correctly:

spamassassin -D -p /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf --lint

and you should see something like:

debug: using "/etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf" for user prefs file debug: bayes: 28821 tie-ing to DB file R/O /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes_toks debug: bayes: 28821 tie-ing to DB file R/O /etc/MailScanner/bayes/bayes_seen debug: bayes: found bayes db version 2 debug: Score set 3 chosen.

Start MailScanner up again.

service MailScanner start && tail -f /var/log/maillog

You should see something like:

Jun 13 12:18:23 hoshi MailScanner[26388]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner version 4.20-3 starting... Jun 13 12:18:24 hoshi MailScanner[26388]: Config: calling custom init function MailWatchLogging Jun 13 12:18:24 hoshi MailScanner[26388]: Initialising database connection Jun 13 12:18:24 hoshi MailScanner[26388]: Finished initialising database connection

Congratulations - you now have MailScanner logging to MySQL.

If you want to see the output of MailScanner --lint in Tools/MailScanner Lint (Test) edit conf.php and set MS_EXECUTABLE_PATH, the follow instruction in tools/sudo/INSTALL

Database cleanup of maillog records

add db_clean.php to /etc/cron.daily/

You will then to edit conf.php the RECORD_DAYS_TO_KEEP definition.

You will need to edit the db_clean.php to reflect the location of the functions.php file

Quarantine Maintenance

Remove the clean.quarantine cronjob configured with MailScanner.

Edit and copy to /etc/cron.daily/

You will then to edit conf.php the QUARANTINE_DAYS_TO_KEEP definition.

You will need to edit the quarantine_maint.php to reflect the location of the functions.php file

Quarantine Reporting

Add quarantine_report.php to /etc/cron.daily

You will need to edit the quarantine_report.php to reflect the location of the functions.php file

Test the MailWatch interface

Point your browser to http:///mailscanner/ - you should be prompted for a username and password - enter the details of the MailWatch web user that you created earlier, and you should see a list of the last 50 messages processed by MailScanner.

Optional for items Sendmail

Edit mailq.php first to change the require line to point to the location of functions.php, then:

cp tools/Sendmail_queue/mailq.php /usr/local/bin crontab -e  0-59 * * * * /usr/local/bin/mailq.php

Note: mailq.php re-creates all entries on each run, so for busy sites you will probably want to change this to run every 5 minutes or greater.

Setup the Sendmail Relay Log watcher (optional)

You can get MailWatch to watch your sendmail logs and store all message relay information which is then displayed on the ‘Message Detail’ page which helps debugging and makes it easy for a Helpdesk to actually see where a message was delivered to by the MTA and what the response back was (e.g. the remote queue id etc.).

cp tools/Sendmail_relay/sendmail_relay.php /usr/local/bin cp tools/Sendmail_relay/sendmail_relay.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/ chmod 777 /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail_relay.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail_relay.init start ln -s /etc/rc.d/ini.d/sendmail_relay.init /etc/rc.2/S30sendmail_relay.init

Optional for item Postfix

Adding Postfix relay information

Optional for MailScanner Rule Editor

Make sure MailWatch’s conf.php has the following lines at the end (amend as appropriate)

<?php// Enable MailScanner Rule Editor define('MSRE', true);define('MSRE_RELOAD_INTERVAL', 5);define('MSRE_RULESET_DIR', "/etc/MailScanner/rules");

Change file permissions so that we can update the rules change group and rules directory locations as appropriate

chgrp -R apache /etc/MailScanner/rules chmod g+rwxs /etc/MailScanner/rules chmod g+rw /etc/MailScanner/rules/*.rules

See also the INSTALL docs in tools/MailScanner_rule_editor and tools/Cron_jobs

FINISHED!! (Phew!)


Now we’ll install MailWatch with the web GUI for MailScanner. Let’s begin. Open Putty and enter:

yum install php-gd php-mysql -y

Edit the /etc/php.ini file and ensure each variable below is set with these values:

short_open_tag = On

safe_mode = Off

register_globals = Off

magic_quotes_gpc = On

magic_quotes_runtime = Off

session.auto_start = 0

Save and close the php.ini file.

Change to the temp directory:

cd /tmp


Download the latest stable version of MailWatch:

Extracted the package we just downloaded:

tar xzvf mailwatch-

cd mailwatch-

mysql -u root -p < create.sql

mysql -u root -p

Login to mysql as a root:

Now we’ll create the database:

Change directory to access the newly extracted files:

We’ll now create a MySQL user and then set password and configure MailScanner for SQL logging. In this example we’re creating a user called mailwatch with a password of letmein. (Change the username and password to suit your needs):

GRANT ALL ON mailscanner.* TO mailwatch@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'letmein'; GRANT FILE ON *.* TO mailwatch@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'letmein'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; show databases;

Now we’ll edit the file and change the database values to suit the values we just created above. The file is located here /tmp/mailwatch- The variables we need to change are:

my($db_name) = ‘mailscanner’;

my($db_host) = ‘localhost’;

my($db_user) = ‘mailwatch’;

my($db_pass) = ‘letmein’;

Now we need to move to /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions like so:

cd MailScanner_perl_scripts cp /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/CustomFunctions

mysql mailscanner -u mailwatch -p

INSERT INTO users SET username = 'admin', password = md5('letmein'), fullname = 'MAilwatch Administrator', type ='A';

Once logged on run the query below:

Now we’ll create the MailWatch web user. This is the user you will log onto the web GUI with:

Using the query above, you would have created a user called admin and the password is letmein. Change these values to suit your needs.

We’re now ready to install MailWatch. Change back to the MailWatch Folder:

cd ..

mv mailscanner /var/www/html/

cd /var/www/html/mailscanner

chown root:apache images chmod ug+rwx images chown root:apache images/cache chmod ug+rwx images/cache

Set the folder permissions as outlined below:

Change directory to the mailscanner folder in web root directory:

Move mailscanner folder for web root folder:

We’ll now create a conf.php file by copying conf.php.example file:

cp conf.php.example conf.php

Now edit the following database values to suit the values you created earlier. In my case the user was mailwatch and password was letmein.

define(‘DB_TYPE’, ‘mysql’);

define(‘DB_USER’, ‘mailwatch’);

define(‘DB_PASS’, ‘letmein’);

define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘mailscanner’);

Now we need to stop the MailScanner service:

service MailScanner stop

Now we’ll edit the /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf file:

Ensure that the variables below are set as shown:

Always Looked Up Last = &MailWatchLogging

Detailed Spam Report = yes

Quarantine Whole Message = yes

Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no

Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes

Quarantine User = root

Quarantine Group = apache (this should be the same group as your web server)

Quarantine Permissions = 0660

Save and close the /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf file.

Edit the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. Go to the end of the file and add:

#Start of add

<VirtualHost *:80>

# Admin email, Server Name (domain name) and any aliases




# Index file and Document Root (where the public files are located)

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

DocumentRoot //var/www/html/mailscanner


#End of Add

Make sure you change the ServerAdmin email address to your email address and also the IP addresses above ( to your servers IP Address. Save and close the file.

Now we’ll restart the MailScanner service:

service MailScanner start

We’ll also restart the web server Apache:

service httpd restart

Now open up your browser and type in the IP address of your server like:

You should now see the MailWatch log on screen:

Type in your username and password that you set earlier in this tutorial. Mine in this example was admin and password was letmein.

One final thing, I highly advise you to install and configure BIND DNS on your system for optimal results and spam protection. You can see a quick tutorial on this subject by clicking here…

All done! Consider yourself a superstar!!!
