Uninstalling Zimbra


Uninstalling Zimbra Collaboration Suite

To uninstall servers, run the install script -u, delete the zcs directory, and remove the zcs.tgz file on the servers.


cd to the original install directory for the zcs files.



Type ./install.sh -u

When Completely remove existing installation? is displayed, type Yes

The Zimbra servers are stopped, the existing packages, the webapp directories, and the /opt/zimbra directory are removed.



Type rm -rf [zcsfullfilename] to delete the ZCS directory.

Delete the zcs.tgz file.


To Stop the Zimbra Service, Login to zimbra server as root user or root privileaged rights user

then switch to zimbra user.

su – zimbra

zmcontrol stop


You should be root after you run exit

Run the command:

ps -ef | grep -i zimbra

If you see running processes

Kill any lingering processes:

kill -9 <pid>

Below video i wrongly killed my own process. so please take care this part.and i skipped some steps.

Go to the zimbra package directory where install.sh file is located. the run the following command. if

you don’t have the package in server. copy the package from your desktop to server using file transfer tool like winscp.

# ./install.sh -u

Completely remove existing installation? Y

After sucessfull uninstallation. run these command to delete the user, group, folder and files.

userdel zimbra

userdel postfix

groupdel zimbra

groupdel postfix

rm -rf /opt/zimbra

rm -rf /var/log/*zimbra*

Remove the Zimbra Logging lines below from /etc/syslog.conf

# vi /etc/syslog.conf

local0.* -/var/log/zimbra.log

auth.* -/var/log/zimbra.log

mail.* -/var/log/zimbra.log

Remove Logrotate config file for zimbra

rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/zimbra

Remove Zimbra entries in /etc/rc*

chkconfig –del zimbra


As root:

1) Run the commands:

su – zimbra

zmcontrol stop


(you should be root after you run exit)

2a) Run the command: ps -ef | grep -i zimbra

If you see running processes

2b) Kill any lingering processes: kill -9 <pid>

3a) Run the command: df

If you see "amavisd"

3b) run command: umount /opt/zimbra/amavisd<-new-blah>/tmp

4) cd /<tmp_tar_install_dir>/zcs/

5) Run the command: ./install.sh -u

6) Run the following commands to complete the unistall:

rm -rf /opt/zimbra

rm -rf /var/log/*zimbra*

rm -rf /tmp/*zimbra*

rm -rf /tmp/hsperfdata*

rm -rf /tmp/install.*

rm -rf /tmp/*swatch*

rm -rf /tmp/log*

Ensure that you removed ALL the files owned by the user zimbra AND that contain the name "zimbra" in:



7) Run the following commands to delete the users and groups:

userdel zimbra

userdel postfix

groupdel zimbra

groupdel postfix

8) Remove the line "/dev/shm /opt/zimbra/amavisd-new-2.4.1/tmp tmpfs defaults,users,size=150m,mode=777 0 0" from /etc/fstab.

9) Remove the Zimbra logging lines below from /etc/syslog.conf:

local0.* -/var/log/zimbra.log

auth.* -/var/log/zimbra.log

mail.* -/var/log/zimbra.log

10) Remove logrotate config file for Zimbra (CentOS, RHEL)

rm -f /etc/logrotate.d/zimbra

11) Remove the Zimbra lines below from /etc/prelink.conf (CentOS, RHEL)

# added for Zimbra

-l /opt/zimbra/lib

-l /opt/zimbra/sleepycat/lib

-l /opt/zimbra/openldap/lib

-l /opt/zimbra/cyrus-sasl/lib

-l /opt/zimbra/mysql/lib

12) Remove Zimbra entries in /etc/rc* (CentOS, RHEL)

chkconfig --del zimbra

Other methods:(assuming you didn't already try the above) 

(dijichi2) if you get stuck and really want to just purge it from the system, try:

rpm -e `rpm -qa |grep zimbra`

rm -rf /opt/zimbra

delete zimbra entries from /etc/sudoers

delete zimbra entries from root and zimbra crontabs
